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Lin and Pippa walked down the wooden pathway that connected all of the house towards the boat that would take them to Lin's surprise. As they walked hand in hand Lin couldn't help but to continually glance at Pippa's baby bump. She was wearing a white bikini, black and white kimono, and tan sandals. "Beautiful," Lin accidentally whispered a loud.

"What?" Pippa asked with a smile. Lin shook his head and continued to walk towards the end of the path.

"Where are we going?" Lin asked. Pippa smirked and placed her finger over her mouth.

"Not saying. You can see when we get there," Pippa smiled. Lin helped Pippa get on the boat and hopped on after her. They sat on a couch and watched the captain move to his seat.

"Claudia," Lin started as bend down to Pippa's stomach, "what is mommy hiding?" Lin asked the unborn fetus. Pippa pulled Lin back up to eye level and placed her hands on her stomach.

"She isn't gonna tell you either...for many reasons," Pippa laughed. Lin shrugged and placed his head on her shoulder.

"It was worth a shot," Lin giggled. He turned his view to the water that surrounded them. The small boat headed towards an island that looked unfamiliar to Lin, until, "ARE THOSE PIGS!" Lin shouted as his jumped to his feet but still crouched down on the couch. Pippa laughed at her husbands outburst and nodded. He turned to her and held onto her arm in joy. "How did you know?" He asked on the verge of happy tears. Pippa peeled her husband hands off of her arm and got up.

"I know you, babe. You love all living things," Pippa replied. She took off her kimono and sandals, before she walked to the edge of the boat. When she didn't feel Lin breathing down her neck, she turned to see him still crouched on the seat. "Well, are you coming?" Pippa asked through a laugh. "Claudia is ready to get into the water," Pippa laughed. Lin took off his shirt and sandals before he ran to his wife.

"You just earned 5 more points," Lin blushed before hoping off the boat. Pippa smiled and sat on the edge of the boat before carefully sliding into the shallow water. It only came up the couples hips and it was so clear. As Lin enjoyed himself, Pippa's fears slowly drowned in the water around them.


Enzo sat in his room with Skylin, the door closed. They were making out, when Sky felt things going a bit further than she was ready for. Quickly she pulled out and pushed Enzo back. "What's wrong, babe?" Enzo asked. Sky shrugged and bit her lip.

"I've never," she trailed off. Enzo quickly knew what she meant and pulled a condom from his bedside drawer.

"Me either, but we can if you want. You know, to try it," Enzo urged. Sky shook her head and took the condom from Enzo.

"I don't want to. I love your sister but I don't want an accident to happen and we end up like her," Sky explained. Enzo nodded and pulled Sky into a cuddle.

"I feel it. I don't want any kids right now either," Enzo said. Sky pecked Enzo's cheek and scouted closer to her boyfriend.

"Thanks for understanding," Skylin said. Enzo stitched his eyebrows together.

"I may be a guy, but I'm not a savage. I would never do to you what Cameron and Brandon did to my sisters," Enzo said. Sky got a weird look on her face and looked into Enzo's brown eyes. She was looking for a glimmer of something other than rage, but couldn't find it.

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