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Pippa came home after a long day of practice in rush. She wanted to get dinner started before the kids came home from their activities. She ran up to her room, kicked off her heels, and headed to the closet to change her clothes. When she reached her side of the closet, Pippa pulled out her yoga pants and a t-shirt. As the t-shirt fell out so did a dress shirt that belonged to Steve. Why was his shirt up here? Pippa thought. She would have shrugged off the matter if she hadn't noticed a huge lipstick on the collar. It was pink. Phillipa did not wear nor did she own a pink lipstick. "What the fuck?" She asked. Phillipa heard her kids come in the house and walked to banister in the hall that over looked the living room. "Enzo! Is this your shirt?" She asked as she waved the blue, cotton, button up. Enzo stitched his eyebrows together and plopped onto the couch.

"Do I look like I own a button up?" He asked sarcastically. Lesley giggled at the thought of her brother in anything other than a graphic tee. Phillipa shrugged and came down the stairs. "Why? Who's shirt is that?" He asked. Pippa threw the piece of clothing on the love seat and rolled her eyes.

"Better pray it's not Steven's for his safety." She replied. Lesley and Enzo gasped at each other and silently celebrated. They pulled out their phones and started to text each other.

Baby Bro💙: Is it bad to pray that it is Steven's?
Big Sis😜: I'm one step ahead of you bro!

Lesley slid her phone in her pocket and walked to the kitchen with her mom. "Can I ask you something," Lesley started. Pippa pulled frozen chickens breast out of freezer and sat the on the counter.

"What's up, little miss," Pippa asked. She wanted to think about anything that wasn't Steven with another woman. Lesley smiled innocently.

"Well, you see mommy," Lesley stalled. Pippa gave her famous eyebrow lift which made the teen speak faster. "I made some new friends and they want me to come to a back to school party. Is that okay," she asked. Pippa bit her lip and turned the eye closest to her on the right of the stove on.

"She is it," Pippa inquired. Lesley played with her thumbs and stared at the counter.

"Saturday," she whispered. Pippa shook her head.

"No. That's the same night as the performance," Pippa said.

"Mommy," Lesley whined. Pippa shook her head as she poured in the water for her rice. "It starts during the second half of Act 2. I've seen that so many time please! Just let me go," Lesley begged. Pippa shook her head.

"I would love to let you go, but you promised daddy that you would be there and he's expecting you," Pippa said. Lesley rolled her eyes and groaned.

"Whatever," she muttered. Pippa rolled her eyes and put the chicken in the microwave to unthaw it. I don't have time for her teenage bullshit right now. Pippa mentally complained. She watched child storm of to her room and placed her hands on her hips. When Phillipa turned towards the fridge, she caught a glimpse of the shirt and gasped to keep from tears. She threw her left hand over her mouth and swiftly ran to the downstairs bathroom. As soon as the door shut to the bathroom, Pippa held herself up by the sink.

"I fucked up." She whispered. The weight of the kiss, Steven's possible affair, and Lesley's attitude pushed Pippa closer to the edge. Her breathing picked up as the thoughts and memories of the past thirteen years clouded her brain. Phillipa hyperventilated and sat in the toilet lid as she ran her hands through her hair. She started to feel her world suffocate her from the inside out.

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