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Phillipa came home with Allie and the twins right after her lunch with Reneé. She was in a bit of a rush, so she didn't even bother to take the sleeping babies out of their car seats. She had to change for Enzo and Mason's football banquet, gala thing and make sure Lesley was home to watch the girls. When she ran up the stairs, she peaked her head into Lesley's room to see that she was on her laptop with her beats in doing homework. Pippa knocked to get Lesley's attention, quickly. Lesley took off her head phones and placed her finger over her mouth as she moved the laptop to reveal Nova asleep next to her. "Come in and close the door," Lesley instructed.

"Why are we whispering?" Pippa asked in a whisper as she came fully and lightly shut the door.

"Cause I just got her to sleep, so she isn't fully out yet," Lesley answered. Pippa nodded and pushed the front pieces of her hair behind her ears.

"Okay. I'm going to get dressed for your brothers' thing tonight. I just wanted to let you know that the twins are asleep in the living room in their car seats and Allie is playing. Daddy and Chris are heading out soon, so just call Reneé if you need anything," Pippa whispered. Lesley nodded and got off her bed. She placed a pillow on whither side of her 3 month old baby and walked towards her door. "What are you doing?" Pippa asked.

"Is gonna bring the girls to my room, because after I finish my homework, I'm gonna give them a bath and then get Allie and I dinner. It's like four-thirty now, so I will be finished with my homework around six I hope," Lesley explained during her trip down the stairs. Pippa followed and grabbed the car seats as Lesley placed Allie on her hip with a small bin of toys. She walked back up the stairs and set Allie on the floor of her room with the toys. Lesley took the toys out one by one and set the bin on her desk out of Allie's reach. Pippa placed the girls next to Lesley's bed and unbuckled them but left her in their seats.

"Are you sure you can handle four babies? I can have Reneé babysit the twins," Pippa asked. Lesley shook her head.

"You're paying me fifty bucks right?" She asked. Pippa nodded.

"Of course. They aren't your kids you don't have to watch them," Pippa answered.

"Cool. Then we will be fine. Plus, Brielleis gonna come by with a pizza later so, were good," Lesley replied. Pippa kissed her twins heads, then Allie's, then Lesley's.

"Good nights my babies. I will come get the twins before their midnight feed and I will get Allie as soon as we get back," Pippa announced. Lesley nodded and went back to her homework.

"Alright, get out of here. I have work to do and you are a distraction," Lesley joked. Pippa giggled a bit and scurried out of the room quickly. As soon as she left the room her phone buzzed several time in her back pocket.

"Hello?" Pippa answered as she treaded into her bedroom.

"Pippa? It's me Mer," Meredith greeted. Pippa peeked up and sat on the edge of her bed.

"Hey! So do you have the results?" Pippa asked. She had been anxiously awaiting this call since they left the hospital. She wanted to know everything about Allie and she couldn't sit that if she had no knowledge of anything.

"Yep. Her blood work came back clean. She is a bit underweight, but that is nothing we can't fix. She is three. And we had a birth certificate on file. Her real name is Piper Jane Gatsby. Her mother, Hayley Scott ,died during child birth and there is no father listed. Her birthday is May 14th. Now, if you want to change her name legally I've got a lawyer who will work out all the kinks and stuff. Just say the word and I will give him a call," Meredith revealed. Pippa hummed. Piper Jane Gatsby. Pippa thought. She liked Allison "Allie" Scott Miranda better, but wanted to take it up with Lin.

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