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4:45 PM

Lesley, Enzo, and Mason lounged around Lesley's room on their phones when Lesley got a text from Lin.

Daddy🙃: Tell your mom that I'm going out of town tomorrow so you guys have to stay with V.

Lesley scoffed and closed the text thread. She hated that her parents talked through she and her brother. The fourteen-year-old wished she could go back to the day that Lin and Pippa fought and change the whole day.


It was the summer Enzo turned three. The family had a huge barbecue for his birthday, and it was mad fun. The Hamily was there, Stevie, Lauren, and even Lin's parents showed up. Plus, of course, Vanessa and Steven by default. No one knows exactly what was said to screw up the whole party but, it went haywire quickly. Phillipa and Lin stood in the backyard by the pool as their relationship in general crumbled. "Are you being serious right now?" Phillipa screamed. Lin rolled his eyes and folded his arms.

"What? I think it's only fair," Lin replied. Phillipa shook her head.

"No. No! That's not happening! You're not taking my kids," Phillipa said. Lin plastered a smirk to his smug face.

"Fine. Then I'll take you to court," he smacked. Phillipa looked at him in disbelief.

"Are you fucking kidding me? You don't even see your kids! You leave all the time," Phillipa screamed. Lin shrugged.

"Either you let me have them every other day or you we can settle this in court," Lin said. Phillipa sighed and ran her hand through her hair.

"Fine," she screamed out of frustration. Lin smiled out of satisfaction. "Congratulations, you have officially made me pay for whatever it is I did, that you are still holding onto! Go to hell," Pippa spat. She pushed past her ex and walked into the house.

Real Time

Lesley huffed and got off of her comfort twin bed. She slowly walked to the banister that over looked the huge living room. "Mom," she called. Phillipa wiped her hands on her apron and walked behind the couch.

"Yes babe," she asked while she tilted her head back to look at her child.

"Dad is going out of town tomorrow. We have to stay with Vanessa," Lesley informed. Phillipa rolled her eyes and nodded.

"Thanks for the heads up," she replied. The teenager ran off to her room as the stressed mother walked back to the kitchen. "Unbelievable," Pippa whispered. Steven looked up from his laptop and noticed the look of sadness on his woman's face.

"What happened," he asked. Pippa shook her head and placed the spaghetti pasta in the fully boiled water.

"Lin as usual," she answered. Steven rolled his eye and went back to his script. No, I didn't want to talk about it. It's fine. Pippa mentally said. She sighed and pushed her attention back to the food for Reneé.


7:33 PM

Phillipa, Steven, Lauren, Stevie, Mason, Lesley, and Enzo sat at a small bistro in the heights. Everyone sat silently until Phillipa sparked up a conversation. "How was the first day," she asked. The teens looked between each other and stayed quiet. "No please. Don't all speak at once," Phillipa sarcastically spoke. Lesley rolled her eyes and went first.

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