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(Two Days Later)

Lesley laid on Reneé's couch as she stroked her stomach. "Momma, loves you. And she would never do such a shitty thing like grandma did," Lesley said to her unborn baby. Renee peaked She the couch as she cooked at the island in the kitchens

"Hey," Reneé called. "Don't talk about your mother like that," Reneé defended. Lesley rolled her eyes and sat up.

"Why not? She killed a baby!" Lesley replied. Reneé gave her a look of who do you think you are talking to and pointed for Lesley to come stand next to her. The teenager obliged and walked to her Godmother. Reneé pointed at Lesley with the knife in her hand.

"Listen up and listen well, because I'm only saying this once. Just like you didn't have a choice to have sex, your mother didn't have a choice to have a baby. Her ex was obsessed. He poked holes in condoms, sabotaged her birth control, and sometimes just forced her to have sex with out a condom. He was crazed about it." Reneé said. "Just because you don't believe in abortion or whatever, does not mean you can disrespect her choice. If she had that child you wouldn't have been born. Because you are an Asian- Puerto Rican-American. You are half Lin and half Pippa. If she would have had that kid she would have stuck with Steven and who knows who would have been born. But, I know one thing for damn sure. Don't forget who raised you at the end of the day because, in all honesty, they will be raising your kid too," Rene said. Lesley shook her head.

"No, I'm gonna raise my baby!" Lesley fought with a glare. Reneé rolled her neck and half laughed.

"How are you gonna raise a baby when you have no money? Be gracious that your parents are who they are, because had you been my child, you would have gotten an abortion faster than you could think. Now go sit down and think about an apology for your mother," Reneé scolded. Lesley soften her glare and walked over to the couch. As she plopped down, Enzo walked out of the bathroom and sat on the love seat across from his sister.

"Why don't you make our lives easier and just get an abortion?" Enzo asked sarcastically. Lesley gasped and folded her arms over her belly button.

"Because, it's not the baby's fault that they were made," she answered. Enzo rolled his eyes.

"It isn't your fault either! But, you want to put us through that? You will have to give up everything and so will mom. She already couldn't go out a work with dad because she got pregnant! You want her to have to watch your kid while you go to school? Or are you gonna drop out?" Enzo lashed out. Lesley rolled her eyes and laid on the couch. "Sure, ignore the important shit," Enzo said.Lesley groaned.

"I don't know! But, I'm not getting an abortion so you can forget about that!" Lesley yelled. Enzo flipped his sister and got off the love seat.

"Well good luck, cause you are on your own. And that is if dad lets you keep it," Enzo said as he walked past Lesley. She clenched her fist and rolled on her side, to face the couch.

"Kay, whatever," she muttered. Lesley shut her eyes and tried to sleep but, Reneé continually woke her up. Just because.


Because of all that had happened, Pippa and the kids stayed with Reneé for the weekend, but were leaving on Monday. So, as a last resort in her misery, Phillipa decided to call in an old friend to help take some of the pain away, on Sunday night.


Pippa sat in the living room of her best friend, Adam, from Amelié. "How have you been?" Adam asked. Pippa shrugged and tucked her knees into her chest on his couch.

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