Chapter 3.

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Hours were spent walking around one of the greatest cities in the world; and one that I still tried to accept the fact that I was actually in London. I stopped into a small restaurant in the later afternoon to grab something to eat, but my hunger wasn't entirely at its peak. Unfortunately, my body gave out quicker than I'd hoped, so my personal tour had come to an end.

Once I returned to the hotel, I did my basic usual nightly routine — took a shower, changed into some pyjamas and made a piping hot cup of chamomile tea. I was incredibly thankful that they actually had something to drink in this room. It wasn't the cleanest, but I prayed I couldn't catch some sort of disease from all of it.

As I waited for my tea to cool off, I packed and repacked my suitcase, making my clothes stayed clear from wrinkles. I checked my social media, and — as per usual — nothing was new or exciting. I guess it's safe to say that my trip is probably the most exciting thing that has happened in my life.

It wasn't too late and I wasn't entirely ready to fall asleep, so I started to watch a movie on my tablet. Maybe that would be a good option to break jet lag. I'd added some extra movies on it from my hard drive at home, for the plane ride here, and back. I went through the tiny list of films, and decided on my favourite, and all-time classic — Breakfast at Tiffany's. Sometimes I say that my life is similar to Holly Golightly's, only, I'm not an escort and don't live in New York. She's got this carefree personality, again something I don't have, and lives her life accordingly. Holly's also's got Cat, which, I still don't have. She ends up falling in love with Paul, who's a writer; but then, I don't know a writer or have ever been in love per say. Come to think about it, I truly am the far opposite of Holly. I guess that's probably the main reason why I relate to her so much; I relate inversely.

The movie was about mid-way through when my phone vibrated next to me. I looked at the screen and it was Eleanor calling me through FaceTime audio. Free wifi; a blessing.

"Hiya sweets." I answered tiredly.

"Hi love, how're you?" She spoke back, a little too chipper than I was — a lot chipper, actually.

"I'm alright. Just showered and got ready for bed. You?"

"What do you mean bed? It's only nine." She questioned, surprised.

"Jet lag, El." I chuckled.

"Ah yes, I forgot about that. It's still weird knowing that I'm calling you and you're in the same time zone as me. Heck, the same city!" Her tone now just as perky as before.

"You're right, it is still weird. A good weird though." A smile formed on my lips at the truth.

"So love, for tomorrow, I was thinking we could go for breakfast, lunch, and maybe dinner?"

"The three main courses of the day. I think we've got them covered." I laughed.

"I know! That way I have the entire day to spend with you, fingers crossed that nothing else comes up."

"Sounds like a perfect day to me."

"Lovely! So than — oh, Louis just told me that me wanted to meet with us for either lunch or dinner. Is that okay?"

"Of course! You know that I want to meet the man who holds my best friends' heart."

"Perfect! So I'll call you in the morning, possibly pick you up, if I can borrow Louis' car. I don't know. Either way, I'll give you a call."

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