Chapter 43.

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Aubrey's POV*

Our evening together was amazing. We somehow managed to finish the movie and get through half of another one. We ordered a pizza in between the movies, which probably the staff though we were crazy for doing such a thing at such posh hotel. At the end of the night, I fell asleep on his chest, he woke me up to get me in bed. As I was about to get in bed, I realised that he was naked under the robe, and I turned around before he removed it. He apologised multiple times once he noticed, and put it on again. He then went to grab a pair of pyjama pants from the carryon bag. I wouldn't turn around until he was 'decent'. I'd have to say that I'm glad that I didn't see anything; it would have been slightly too soon.

Our laughs filled the room the entirely; whoever was in the next suite over, were probably thinking that we were drunk or something. I slipped off my robe, and laid it across the end of the bed, as I slipped into it. I had felt slightly too bare in front of Harry, but I didn't want to show him that I was shy. I stayed quiet as he laid next to me, we faced each other, and locked eyes. I couldn't shake off the feeling I had, building inside of me. I moved and kissed him softly, his lips responded the same way. His arms pulled me closer and I placed my hands on his chest. We stayed that way for a while until he parted. "I can't." I nodded as I knew exactly what he meant. I pulled away slightly, looking at his beautiful face structure. He smiled at me, and I moved my hand to softly run my fingers through his hair, then down to his jaw. He tapped his finger at my nose, which made my nose scrunch. He mentioned that it was one of the things he loved about me. We shared a moment that would forever be cherished. Not long after that, our fingers interlocked within each other, and we fell into a deep sleep.

I woke up with the light streaming into my eyes, it was soft through the curtains that were drawn closed. Harry was lightly snoring beside me; he only snores when he's having a good sleep. I'm glad he's sleeping well. His arm wrapped around my waist, not too tightly, but just enough so that I could shift and lay on my back. I looked at him and smiled, he couldn't be any more perfect than he already is. His eyes were closed, slightly moving — I knew he was dreaming. I caressed my thumb along his cheek, I pushed myself up, and kissed it. I turned around to get out of bed and I felt a strong force over my stomach. Harry's husky voice mumbled some words that I couldn't understand. He pulled me closer and muttered more of the same unrecognizable words.

"Harry, are you awake?"

"Maybe." He started ticking my back and I couldn't help but squirm.

"Ha-Harry, stop!"

"Okay, okay." He laughed and did as told. "Sorry, well, not really."

"Good morning to you too."

"Oh come on, it was a lovely morning way to wake someone up."

"I was awake, you were supposed to be asleep."

"I was, but then you kissed me." He grinned. "You know I can't stay asleep after I feel a kiss on me."

"You're a cheeky one, you know that right?" I grinned.


"You and your maybe's."

"Ahhh, c'mere." He pulled me closer to the point where I could barely breathe. "You're my favourite person ever."

"Let—me—go—Harry—can't—breathe." I stuttered until he let go and smiled.

"Just had to make sure you knew." I caught my breathe and turned around to face him.

"To make sure? You have to basically choke me." I laughed as did he.

"How'd you sleep?"

"Wonderfully." I smiled. "You?"

"I don't think I've slept this well in a long time."

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