Chapter 73.

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I'm just going to leave you with one word to describe this chapter: INTENSE

There's another important A/N at the end, please read it! Happy reading!

Please don't forget to vote and comment! It really means so much to me that you do so.

S x

Songs for the chapter:

Sign of the Times - Harry Styles
Dreams - Fleetwood Mac

Harry's POV.

"What do you mean he tried to rape her? Did he?" She was still confused by what I had told her. Her hands were over her mouth in shock.

"He forced himself on her, but I called the cops, and fought him off her."

"When was this?" 

"Eleven months ago." I said with disgust. "She was bruised physically and emotionally for weeks."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I — I had no idea. He clearly left that part out. Look Harry, I know I haven't been the greatest towards you — and especially Aubrey. I mean, things were just left awkward between us and it was hard for me to get over you. No one deserves to go through that. Poor girl." She truly looked pained by what I'd told her.

"Yeah; and you coming into the office that day, didn't help. Emma, I'm sorry to say it, but you've been a cause for a lot of problems in my life."

"It's not like it was just my fault!" She spoke, completely offended. Unfortunately, she was right though.

I tugged on the ends of my hair, frustrated with everything that had happened. It was all one big reminder and I hated it.

"Shit." I took a deep breath. This had to end. "Okay, well, do you want to at least make things right? We can then leave things off good between us."

"Okay. What's your proposal for this? Never thought that would come out of my mouth like that." She said and I shook my head at her. Now was definitely not the time for that. Then again, any time was not the time for that.

"Aubrey doesn't know that Jake is out and I don't want her to know. I only found out recently." She nodded as if she knew the whole story. "Is there a way you know of to get him in prison indefinitely?"

"I got to know him when I used to come over to your place. He seemed like a good guy, then he showed his true colours. You know, I like a bad boy." She gave a smirk, then continued.

"Anyway, now he always comes by my place and we all do a little bit of this and that. I mean, I won't lie, I tried some with him. I know that some are definitely stronger that cocaine. That's his go-to preference." She shrugged her shoulders. I continued to ask her more questions and everything clicked together in my mind like the final few pieces in a five-thousand piece puzzle. It was perfect. I told her that I'd be stopping by again in a few hours. She nodded, agreeing to the plan, and was about to head back to her house when I called her name again.

"Listen Emma, it's not that I didn't care about you that night, but I knew he was dangerous. I just wanted to —"

"I get it Harry, don't worry about it. I'm just more content that I know the truth now." She showed a sad smile, but I was glad she knew what I meant.

Everything was set in motion, it was just a matter of time until it all goes down. It was starting to get harder not being able to talk to Aubrey through everything that has been going on. I had to tell someone about what my plan was and the actual truth. I doubt it would be easy to get Louis to listen, he can be hard-headed sometimes — especially with what happened the other day. My only option was Liam, I just had to try and convince him to not tell a word to Natalie.

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