Chapter 30.

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Harry's POV*

I had sat waiting for Aubrey to show up, she was usually punctual; but since she was with her friends earlier, I highly doubted she would be on time. I took a look at my watch and it was only five after. The waiter came by a couple times asking if I was ready to order, both times I told him I was still waiting for my date. My date who had just begun to walk in front of me.

Aubrey looked absolutely breathtaking. Her hair fell well below her shoulders and the gold she wore accented against her beautiful green eyes; they sparkled even more than they usually do. My eyes had narrowed down to one thing, her dress. It flowed softly as she walked, making her legs slightly more bare. The chest design of the dress was something I had never expected her to ever wear. It wasn't sensual to me as much as it was alluring; she glowed in a way I'd never seen before.

When the host showed her to the table, I immediately stood up, but was unsure of what to say. She smiled at me and I knew I had to say something.

"You look incredibly beautiful." I moved closer to her and planted a kiss on her flushed cheeks. I could see several other men in the locale who had their eyes wide open as they saw her. Some of them were with their own dates; I could only faintly see them all from the corner of my eye. They needed to know she was mine; mine alone. I looked at her gleaming eyes and then down at her lips; she knew something was coming. I pulled her close and kissed her softly and tenderly, nothing that would overpower the moment. As we parted, my hands grazed her arms, and I moved to seat her across from me. No one else mattered at that point.

"Wow. I don't think I've been just taken like that before." I let out before I thought threw my words.

"What do you mean?" Was the first thing that came out of her mind and I smiled.

"Captivated by you. I mean every time I see you, I'm always grateful you're in my life. Just now, it's a weird feeling I've never felt before." I tried to make sense of all the emotions that flowed within me.

"Is it a bad feeling?" Her eyes started to worry.

"Of course not, nothing's ever a bad feeling with you." I never liked seeing the emotion of worry in her eyes.

"I'm glad." She was still quiet, probably from feeling more bare than she's used to. "This is a really fancy place, very nice. I love the décor and the atmosphere."

"It is. I love coming here every once in a while. It's a place that's pretty special to my heart." I half smiled.

"Who do you come with?"

"No one." I sighed.

"How come?" She slightly tilted her head to the side.

"There's never been anyone great enough for me to take." I paused and looked around, trying to hold in some tears. "I used to take my mum here once a month. She loved the food and the whole vibe here."

"Oh." She softly replied.

"I'm happy I have someone just as amazing to take her place." A few tears fell on my cheeks.

"I don't want to take her pla—" She reached over to wipe them and I grabbed her hand, placing it in mine.

"Love, you and my mum are the two only important women in my life. She's gone now, but I still have you. You're incredible and my one true love. I think that makes it okay for you to be here with me."

"Have I told you how much I enjoy red on you." I grinned and gave her a wink. Her eyes widened and immediately flushed. I let out a small laugh. Her shyness was something that I loved about her. She is such a precious person, so pure, and wonderful. I wished that being a man was easier than it was when it came to love.

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