Chapter 44.

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Please read A/N at the end! You may now carry on...

Aubrey's POV*

What had just happened? I'm here, alone in this hotel room, untouched by the love of my life. I don't understand why he stopped. I told him to continue. I wanted him. I needed him. I need him. He just left me.

I was still in the bathing suit, the one I bought with him — I mean, he wanted me to wear it. I wore it and he still didn't want me. Did I do something wrong? Did he compare me to Emma? No, of course he didn't; he wouldn't. Did he?

When he left, I heard him leave the suite. He didn't just leave the room. Why? Why Harry? We love each other and I was willing to be with you; I was ready. In his arms it felt perfectly right.

My thoughts rushed with confusion and pain. I shook my head and decided to change. I got out of my suit, that was now dry, and took a quick shower. I put on my loungewear, I just wasn't feeling in the mood to wear the robe again. I wasn't feeling anything anymore. The only two feelings that I felt were sadness and confusion. I sat back down on the bed, and looked at the time, it was almost midnight. I hadn't realised that it was this late and that I'd been in the same spot for the longest time.

There wasn't anything else to do, so I got in bed, and decided to sleep. That's if I actually could. I tossed and turned for what felt like days. Sleep hasn't worked out for me, which I knew that it'd be impossible.

I heard the door to the suite open just after three in the morning. I turned on my side, pretending to be asleep. I needed to know what he was going to say or do. With my back turned to him, I knew that it wasn't going to be too much, but I thought I'd try anyway. The door was opened aggressively and I tried not to jump from the noise. I heard him mumble something. He took off his shoes and his shirt which were thrown on the ground. I felt the bed dip when she sat down. His mumbles sounded off and I wondered why. 

"Why, why do you have to be difficult Aubrey? I love you, but — "


"You're so pretty. I'm sorry. Nooo, you're more than that. You're sweet as a cookie."

Cookie? What are you talking about? Why is his speech slurred? Oh goodness. He's drunk.

"Can we start again? I think we can, no, we can't. I don't know. We can be friends. Yeah, that's what we'll do. But no, I don't want to be friends with you." I could feel his hand move near me, but he pulled it back. He laid down and didn't come anywhere close to me. He hadn't touched me, even in a calming movement. I felt the cold, not from the weather, it was warm, but from his actions. I peered over my shoulder and saw that his back was to me.

My heart had just broken into a million pieces. He didn't want me. He just wanted to be friends with me. Friends. That's all. I didn't understand everything he said — nothing made sense. Tears fell down my cheeks, wetting the pillow; and before I knew it, the pillow was drenched in salty water.


I woke up to dark light, it was raining outside — more or less, pouring. My eyes looked at the clock to check the time, it was still early. I'd barely slept, as my eyes were burning from the lack of sleep. I shifted my body to see if Harry was asleep, but he wasn't. He wasn't even in bed or the room. I could feel my emotions starting to relive the recent pain. The pain that grew incredibly quick in a matter of seconds.

I went into the bathroom to wash up, and as predicted, my eyes looked like they'd taken a punch at. Dark circles had formed around them, along with some bags. I already had bad dark circles, but this made things even worse. Great. I finished and decided to pack up everything.

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