Chapter 62.

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Firstly, I'd like to thank you so, so much for all of your reads and support, because Promising Memoirs has reached 40K reads! I never thought something like this would happen. I barely thought I'd ever make it to 4K haha! So thank you again for everything!

Much love as always! 

S x

Songs for the chapter:

Bloom - The Paper Kites

Also, I don't know why, but this one also came into mind for no specific reason:
Blank Space - Taylor Swift (Amy Vachal Cover) - which IMO, it's much better than the original

Aubrey's POV.

"Will you be okay?" He asked me with caring eyes, whilst placing his hands on my shoulders as if I was a toddler going off to their first day at preschool.

It's been a week since Harry proposed to me. A week of pure bliss, serenity, and happiness were shared between the two of us. We did things that most couples would do to have fun together — minus any ultimately intimate. We got together a couple times with our friends. With Eleanor and Louis, we went on a double date to a restaurant; and during that time, every once in a while, El would coo and comment on how adorable we were together. At a certain point mid-way, Louis began to get a tiny bit irritated, which was fine, since my fiancé and I blushed whenever she spoke about us. I loved seeing Harry blush. It was rare, but a wonderful sight to see.

Natalie and Liam were our second double date, but the place was at a local coffee shop. Liam wanted to see Harry to talk about some work, but when Natalie found out they were going to a coffee joint, she had to tag along. Coffee runs in that girl's blood, more than me — or maybe about the same. It was then when Harry told me to come so that I could occupy my friend. That's technically how it turned into an unplanned double date, post-work talk that is. Until they finished, I sat with Nattie on another table, as we talked gossip, and told her almost everything she asked about how Harry proposed to me. Details were key to her and she wouldn't let me skip out on anything, even if I tried. 

The rest of the time was just between the two of us, either staying at home, going out to a café, and a big grocery shopping — which took the longest time because of Harry's constant fooling around. He always loved going down the wrong aisles just to annoy me, but even so, it was still fun. Of course we watched several movies and went on a few walks in the neighbourhood. Some might say that we lived a boring and repetitive lifestyles, but I loved spending time with him in any way possible. Somehow, his presence always made a simple or tedious thing, fun and exciting. 

"I'll be fine. I'm a big girl." I remarked kindly, with a hint of sarcasm in my voice.

"I'm just looking out for you, protecting you from —"

"Bullies and other people you may not like." I hinted with a grin. I knew that he was referring to Eric, but I wanted him to know that I would be fine. I knew that Eric was a good person and just a friend, of course Harry would think the opposite. If he would try anything on me, I would know how to stop it. 

"The second part of that, yeah." He nervously laughed, scratching the back of his neck.

"Harry —" I started.

"Okay, I'm sorry." He neared me and kissed my temple. I knew he wanted to say more, but he kept silent. It was better for the both of us that he didn't say anything. "I'll see you after class."

"But you start right as soon as I finish." I stated.

"I know, but a quick kiss in between would be worth being tardy for." A smirk was planted on his gorgeous face.

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