Chapter 23.

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Hello all! So in case you haven't read my recent message, you all might be wondering what on earth has happened to this girl. She just up and left. Well it's been two years - or so, since my last update and I feel like it's been a lifetime (almost). There just has been so much going on in my life that I ultimately forgot about writing. In the past few years something happened in my life that's kind of changed my life. And in the semi-recent past, I was also going through some tough times which I think have helped me remember that writing did help me relieve some of my stress. 

I highly apologize with my fullest heart about just disappearing! If you've forgotten the plot, feel free to re-read some of the chapters again - to refresh your memory - since it has been so long. I love you all and can't wait to read your feedback/comments on this chapter and the future chapters yet to come! Please vote and comment, I'd highly appreciate that!

Much love to you! - Suzanne xo


Aubrey's POV*

Harry circled the city for an hour, without saying a word. I was cold when we first got in the car and began to shiver. He immediately raised the temperature in the vehicle once he noticed my hands turning purple. I hadn't worn a warm jacket, as all of my warmer clothing was inside my luggage. He took my left hand and has been holding onto it since. Driving with only one hand throughout the entire time. 

The car had finally warmed up as my hands were quite hot, especially the one that was held within Harry's. The sun was beginning to get stronger, which cause the car to warm up quicker I thought it would, even though it was a considerably new car. The rays glistened through the windows, now wishing that I brought a pair of sunglasses with me. I forgot them in London. You're so forgetful Aubrey. 

Wait, what am I even talking about? Grandfather passed away, that's why I'm forgetful. Then again, I just forgot that grandfather had passed away. So I supposed that did make me forgetful.

I didn't know what to say. Every time I would try and open up and say something, nothing would come out. I had no idea where to go, but it was definitely not anywhere near my family again. This counted also for even meeting them outside at some coffee place, that's if they tried to contact me. I knew my father wouldn't try, but I had small hopes that my mother would at least want to talk to me. 

"You warm enough?" Harry spoke out softly, but didn't make eye contact. His eyes were focused on the road. That never stopped him before. Maybe he was just unsure if I was ready to talk yet. Oh I don't know. 

"Uhm, yeah." I let out under my breath. I couldn't not talk to Harry, he's only trying to help.

Why am I keeping silent with him? Maybe I don't want to involve him with my parents annoying drama. But why Aubrey? He's always been involved. Ever since you meet him. Oh gosh, what is wrong with me?

"Yeah, I'm really warm actually. Sorry, I've just been out of it. I didn't mean to ignore you or anything." I said something that was more than one word. 

"Don't worry babe. You don't need to explain yourself to me." I turned to him, with a faint smile on my face, and he face me as we approached a red light. "I just have one question for you, where do you want to go?" 

"You do have a point, we can't keep circling like this. Where should we go? Oh! How's about we hit the Rockies?" I exclaimed, finally turning back into a semi-normal version of myself.

"The Rockies?" He repeated, then realized that the light had turned green as people had begun honking their horns behind us. He drove to a nearby empty parking lot. I figured that I would continue talking to him while he parked.

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