Chapter 22.

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[Hello everyone, I highly apologize that I haven't updated in a long time, especially since I said that I would update soon, clearly false about that. My life's been quite hectic lately. I do have the next chapter ready and written to go, I'm going to start writing a chapter in advance from now on, just to be on the safe side. I hope you enjoy this chapter and I'd also like to thank you for 13.3K reads! Please still comment and vote! It means a lot. If you want to do any edits, tweet them @kissable_brits I'll definitely give credit, much love! Xx]

Aubrey's POV*

"Grandpa, he's gone." 

That's all that I was thinking while I quickly packed my bag for Canada. Harry found me the fastest plane time I could take possible that was direct. He wanted me to have a straight through flight so I don't have any other complications. It was hard. My grandpa was someone who I loved a lot. My grandmother passed away many years ago, I was still a young teenager when it happened. 

After she died, my grandpa moved in with us, as they sold their house. It wasn't right of my mum to just let her father go to a nursing home, so he moved into his daughter's home. It made things better, he helped me a lot when I was growing up. I wished that I was there for the past few months to see him, but I guess some things happen for a reason. 

Packing a few of my things, I didn't know how long I was going to be gone for. I wasn't in my full state when Harry booked my ticket. I remember that he kept asking questions and booked a roundtrip ticket, but I had no idea when the return date was. I knew a few days until the funeral, then to get the rest of my things from there. It would be my second time travelling alone, I just wish that Harry could come with me. Of course my thoughts were going elsewhere now, since that would be selfish. Plus there's Harry's work and Gemma to still take care of. 

I can do this. 

I can do this.

I'm going to break into a million pieces. 

"Rae?" I shook my head, as Harry's voice finally processed through my mind. 

"Sorry, I was just thinking. My mind is just all over the place. I know my mother will want me to do most of the funeral arrangements. She hates anything to do with death. My dad is just useless when it comes to do that thing. I might have to do some calls while on the flight. You can do that right? Call on a plane? What am I saying? I can't use my phone on a plane? I don't know if I can -" I began to tear up onto Harry's shirt. They were small tears, but enough to have Harry pull me close to him, bringing his arms around me, into a large and warm hug. 

"You can do it. I know you can. As for the phone call, you can. You put a credit card and you can call anyone. I'll give you mine. Use it for any of the funeral things. Don't worry about the spending, I have savings and can pay it off. It has a high limit." His voice was calm and soothing, but I wasn't agreeing on what he was saying. 

"Harry, I can't use you card, it wouldn't - " I denied his help. It was more than enough that he had paid for the flight.

"No, use it. Don't worry." Harry cut me off and pulled me away from him so that we were facing each other. 

I sighed, giving up. I normally would argue until he would surrender. I had no effort to do anything else. 


"You sure you have everything? Passport, phone, credit card?" Harry asked me for the third time before I went through security. 

"Yes, it's all in my purse. Thank you." I told him before saying goodbye. He leaned in giving me one of the sweetest and most passionate kisses I've ever had. Once we parted lips, I noticed several people looking at us, disgusted. I could care less. They had no idea what was going on with me or us. 

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