Chapter 67.

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This chapter is a long one! I couldn't find a proper way to split it.

NOW to inform you, the chapters after this one, will vary in length. Some will be short, some will remain the same. The update schedule will remain the same though. I'm guesstimating about 10 more chapters left! I'm mentally crying, because I don't want it to end - but that's just the way books go.

Also please don't forget to vote and comment! It really means so much to me that you do so.

S x

Song for the chapter:

I'm Yours - Jason Mraz
I Got You (I Feel Good) - James Brown

Aubrey's POV.

After we arrived back at the flat, we put all of our books away. I was glad that I didn't have my studio class today, because carrying my supplies to a bridal boutique wouldn't have been the best of ideas. I'd told Harry to wash up while I prepared dinner. I wished that I had more time to make a proper three-course meal or at least something a bit more special than a simple roast. I knew Harry loved when I made it, but adding an appetiser and dessert would have helped make it better. The only thing I could really to was light a few nearby scented candles that were laying around. My fiancé took his time as he washed up, so I'm assuming he decided to take a bath today. He rarely ever had one, but seeming as today was his birthday, he probably felt the need to pamper himself.

I lighted the candles a while after I put the roast in the oven. I prepared a salad - which was never my favourite doing, but it was a special occasion for me to increase my effort from at least a C to an A minus. I decided to make some roasted Brussels sprouts and potatoes on the side. I was opting for doing mashed as well, but I went against it. I was never a fan of the small green cabbages - which is what I thought of them, so it was a little special side just for him. He deserved the best of everything. This wasn't just because it was his birthday, but because he was my favourite person that deserved the world.

By the time Harry appeared from the bedroom, his hair was still dripping wet, but dressed in what I always loved him in - all black. The open space was now filled with the beautiful aroma of a musky vanilla, mixed with a bit of cinnamon, from another candle that was sat in the office. The both of us loved candles, but me, slightly more. What I enjoyed the most was his natural intoxicating smell that I could never get enough of.

He wrapped his arm around my waist, giving me a kiss on the cheek, just after I popped a pan of vegetables in the oven. I turned around in his grasp, crashing my lips on his, kissing him passionately before he had the chance to say anything else. It was clear that he was shocked with my action, since his response was a couple of seconds slow.

It was a kiss that I felt the urgency to do so. The craving for it had increased ever since I was in the car and sent him the 'I love you' text. Once he parted, he raised a brow at me, confused with how deep the indulging lip-lock was. I shrugged lightly and smiled. He took over, by moving where his arms were set, as he cupped my cheeks instead. His lips were now incredibly soft on mine and the love he sent through it, was more than I could handle. I loved our kisses. There was something so special about the way our lips melded together more than just two puzzle pieces fitting perfect together. It was almost as if our movements were like the ocean and the sand. Some waves caressed the sand soft and smoothly; whilst other at times, they splashed viciously against the coarse grains. Nonetheless, that passion was always there.

As we waited for the food to finish cooking, we talked about how our days were. He went on about how his class and exam actually went; which basically was described as two words - interesting and exceptional. I knew that he loved his romanticism class. He always somehow found a way to relate whatever the literature piece was about to our relationship. Even if there were aggressive terms about a negative meaning, he'd find something positive hidden further beneath it.

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