Chapter 27.

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Harry's POV*

I stood by the bedroom door watching her stand in the kitchen. She was absolutely beautiful every way she looked. I wanted her to turn around so I could see her face, her reaction. It took everything in me to find a way to apologize to her. Ripping one of the pages in my journal was something that she would understand it was all meaningful; the note, the poem, and the page. I left my heart out on one piece of paper just for her. It must be something that she could take into consideration.

Her shoulders had started to go up and down, I couldn't tell if she was happy, upset, crying, or what any of her emotions were. I watched her stand in the same position for about twenty minutes. I wanted to come closer, but I didn't know if she wanted me to. I took a deep breath and took a couple foot steps towards her to see if she would move — she didn't. I repeated my action until I was right behind her. I heard her breaths going in and out, they were deep. My hand reached out to place it on her shoulder, but I retracted. I didn't know where to place my hand, hands, or whether to wrap my arms around her waist. I hesitated and decided on letting my heart take over.

"Aubrey." It was hard to not say her nickname, I didn't know whether she would accept it from me still.

"Please, please talk to me." I paused. "You don't have to talk, you can yell, scream, get angry. Show me some emotion, show me anything." I sighed at her silence.

I waited a little longer to see if she would move or do anything, but nothing. I decided to stand directly behind her. I put both of my hands on her waist, she didn't reject them or pull herself away. Instead, I felt her left hand come up to my jaw. I placed my hand on top of hers and moved her to face me. She faced me but her head was down buried into my chest — that's when I felt her tears against my chest. I wrapped both of my arms tightly around her; I didn't want to ever have to run away from me again. She was my precious angel that was sent to me from above, I needed her in my life.

She started to pull away and I directly moved my hands cupping her cheeks though her head was down. I lifted her chin to see her face. When she looked at me, her eyes were tinted red from crying so much and there were still tears attached to her eyelashes. I wiped them all off without saying a word. The silence consumed us. We were both having a conversation with our eyes. I could tell that she wanted to forgive me, but her mouth wasn't talking. I looked away after realizing that she was still wasn't ready. Quickly after, her hand moved my chin back to face her. I took a quick glance at her again until I saw a small hint of sparkle within her eyes.

I crashed my lips directly onto hers and kissed her vigorously. We both gave into a heated passion of raw emotion throughout our movements. My arms moved tightening around her back, and her hands her ruffling around my neck and through my hair. I've never kissed her like this before and neither has she responded in the same way. I could feel the anger she had towards me, so I slowed down to show her that I was still her Harry; the same Harry who would never try to hurt or take advantage of her. I loosened my grip and let go of her slowly and I looked into her eyes, they were calmer, and had a bigger sparkle in them.

I placed my lips back directly onto hers, giving a passionate, but a tender kiss. Her lips were soft and tender against mine. Once we parted, I noticed that she had a small curl within her lips.

"I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for hurting you, I'm sorry for worrying, I'm sorry for —" I started, but was stopped when she placed her finger on my mouth.

"Harry, I forgive you. Your note. It was —" She paused and dropped her hand. She walked a few steps away from me. "It was absolutely beautiful and so personal. I understood everything about it. I'm just sorry that I might have overreacted about all of this. It's just that, well, I miss you. It hasn't been long since we came back from the trip, but I feel like it's been two months not two weeks. And not knowing where you were yesterday, —" Her hand dropped down and she paused.

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