Chapter 18.

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Aubrey's POV*

Tonight is the grand showcase. Natalie has herself all prepared and ready for the small speech she has to make. All the artwork she had is ready and was sent out early this morning. We were all getting ready now. Harry, being the charming man that he is, didn't know what to wear, so he just laid on the bed in a towel for about twenty minutes. I gave up on his actions and picked out his clothes. Choosing a dark grey button-up shirt, along with his signature black jeans, completed his simple, yet classy look. 

"Can we not go to this thing?" He kept whining on the bed, as he went through basically everything I had on my iPad. 

"Harry, come on stop being stubborn, and go get dressed. Please, for me." I pleaded in reply.

"Your pity will always work on me, you know that right." He said getting out of bed, standing up. The towel was unloosening, when I caught it before it fell. I turned around as I was catching it. Embarrassment was stamped all over my face as I could feel it firing up.

"Please get dressed." I said, closing my eyes real tight. I heard a raspy, "fine", as the bathroom door closed. "Thank you. The best is always service with a smile though." I yelled from inside the bedroom. I smiled as I heard him laugh from the other side of the door.

I quickly got dressed into a silver shirt, with some dark burgundy jeans that I got with Natalie yesterday. Finishing over with a short black blazer, it topped off with a simple silver necklace. During our shopping trip, Nattie bought a dark navy blue dress, with some red heels. She always had to stand out at an event or a party. This time, it was her event, and she had to look amazing for it. Even though she can easily pull off any outfit. 

When we shopped, many dresses that we saw were truly beautiful, but she kept saying, "That's too much." Or, "It's beautiful, but I'd come off as some sort of over-done artist." Not sure what she meant by that exactly, but we kept on searching, until we finally found the perfect dress for her. Her shoes were easily found afterwards. Hair and make-up for her is something that she never lets any salon touch, as she does everything on her own. She also gained a lot of tips, neat ways, and simple looks from her mother. "There's no point in waisting money for someone to do your hair and make-up to make you look not like yourself." That is something that I completely agreed with. 

Straightening my hair, all I could think about was the fact that Louis was planning to propose to Eleanor. I'm so excited for them, I just hope that everything works out between the two. Having Harry call and invite them to the showcase tonight was something kind of him. It was also the best place to have my two best friends meet. 

I got my hair done just before I left for this trip, which has no been almost two weeks. I can't believe that it's been this long already since so much has happened. Having an argument with my mum, and having it last for a week, and not going back to Canada. My best friend having a possibly pregnancy, finding out the truth of why I was told to stay away from Harry, and seeing both my friends. Also, possibly falling in love with Harry Styles faster than the speed of light. These events normally happen over a month, or many more months, but not over a week period in time. It's not typical for that.

Finishing my make-up, I put on my heels, and just sat on the bed waiting for Harry to finish whatever he was doing. He was in the bathroom for over twenty-minutes, which is a female's bathroom time in his mind. Natalie called out from the living room, and said that she was ready, I told her that we would be out soon. I hoped at least.  

Finally the bathroom door opened, and walking out was a tall and handsome man. With curls swept to the side, but still not his everyday hair style. I looked him up and down, trying to figure out how he always managed to look absolutely perfect with minimal effort. 

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