Chapter 19. Part II.

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Aubrey's POV*

"Harry wake up!" I yelled, throwing a pillow at him.

I was almost at a loss for words when I woke up realizing the time and date. Eleven-o-four. I ran out of bed checking which day of the week it was. Grabbing my phone, it read Saturday, May the eighteenth. Oh thank goodness. I don't know why I thought it was Monday. I looked over at Harry again, he was still sound asleep, as if my pillow did no harm to him at all. He pulled it over from his head and hugged it tightly. 

Looking back at my phone, I realized many things. Originally supposed to be going back last Sunday, I've been in London for two weeks and a variety of events have already happened.

Meeting Harry for the second time. Getting to know Eleanor's boyfriend, having them break-up and get engaged. Natalie coming from France to stay with us and now she's dating Liam. Approaching Jonathan for the first time since my childhood, having the news that he was the reason Anne passed away, and that Gemma is in the hospital. Oh Aubrey, don't forget getting a job, and basically moving in with your boyfriend. It's been an eventful couple of weeks, I really don't want to know what will happen between us in the future. But at the same time, I do want to know, and I want Harry to be by my side along the entire way.

Stepping into the bathroom, I washed up, took a quick shower, and went to make some breakfast. That's when I heard the water running from inside the bedroom. He finally woke up. I wonder how we both slept for this long, especially since we both usually wake up around nine or ten. I felt that he wasn't there for a part of the night, but even so, how did I sleep through it?

There wasn't that much time for us to really do anything today, all we really had planned was going to the park, then to see Gemma. I haven't really seen both my friends lately. Oh Natalie. How could I possibly have forgotten her? I wonder what she's been doing alone at the house here. I should probably check up on her now.

"Well morning there miss disappearance. How've you been?" I looked up to a perky voice speaking, as I was walking almost into her. "Well slow down now, I'm only human."

"Morning Nattie. Sorry I've been a little on ghost mode lately. You heard the whole Styles family fiasco at your gallery event the other night, I just needed to stay by Harry's side. Make sure everything was okay with him, we even visited Gemma in the hospital. The two siblings are now on good terms, so it's been nice. Harry and I are going to the park today, then going to see his sister after again. Busy, busy, busy me." I told her turning to add some water into the coffee maker, I think it's about time for some. 

"Well I'll bet. Busy bee you are. It's good that things are working out for him. My liking for that one is starting to grow, he really is a good guy for you. So tell me though, you think he'll pop the question?" Natalie asked as she put her cup of coffee down on the kitchen island countertop. It's almost noon, it's probably her fourth cup by now. 

"What?" I shrieked, nearly dropping the glass pot in my hand. "What are you talking about? We've only been dating for just about two weeks now. It's too early!"

"Oh hun, you two have been dating since you were in diapers. You just hadn't realized it, or it wasn't really official." Natalie said placing her left hand onto her hip and throwing her right hand up in the air. A habit she tends to do when she's trying to prove a point. Which in my eyes, I think she's far off with her thoughts.

"You're completely wrong! We're still getting to know each other. I mean, I do feel like he is the one I want to be with, to grow and gray, and all those other cliches. But it's just too early for that. At least, that's what I think." I told her, finally able to pour the water into the coffee maker without my hand not shaking everywhere. 

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