Chapter 36.

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Harry's POV*

The past two weeks have been incredibly hectic. Multiple trips to the office were made; some days twice a day. Liam would call in after we'd finish our work, telling us to come back for some sort of emergency. Which he wasn't lying, but it was mainly just getting annoying. Aubrey and I barely had time alone together. The times we were, were when we'd be going and coming back from work, breakfast, and sleep; nothing more. The last time something like this happened, it caused problems, but I wasn't going to let that happen again.

"Harry, can you get this checked?"

"Yeah sure mate." Will handed me a pile a papers that needed to be sorted through. I swear, they need an extra worker below Liam and I. Half the time we both felt like we needed our own personal secretary. Nicholson does a lot, sure, but much more is put on our plates. I need to give more credit to Liam for staying extra hours here after I leave. I wonder how Natalie must feel about that. Before he'd use work to get away from his ex, but now, he's somehow managed to balance the two.

I took a look over at Aubrey, who seemed just as busy as I was. Her head was buried into her drawings and sketches, things for approval, and edits to do. She was taken up in her work for a few hours now, it was time we both needed a little break. I opened up our work chat and messaged her.

H:'Hey love, you free for lunch.'
I spent a couple minutes waiting as she finally noticed that she got a message. Her eyes went towards her computer screen, then up at me, and back again.

A: 'Hi Harry, I wish I were. There's just so much to do, it's basically never ending today.'
I saw the response and looked at her who has already back at work.

I walked up to her and took the pen out of her hand. "You do realize that I wasn't asking right." 

"Harry! Not nice, give it back."

"Let's go for lunch."

"I can't."

"But you can."



"Fine, I have another pen." She picked another one up from her stack of pens in the corner.

"Oh come on. I'm hungry." I whined, but I truly just wanted to spend some time with her.

"Love, you sound like a five year old."

"True, but I don't care. I miss you."

"Please Harry, I just need to get this work done. I promise, if you leave me alone, I'll cook you the most amazing dinner." She looked up at me with a half smile, she wasn't too keen with my actions.

"Alright, alright. Deal. Can I at least go out and get you something to eat? You barely ate breakfast."

"Mhm. Thank you." Her focus was immediately back on the designs.

"Oh, yes. So much love." I chuckled and walked away. Liam was near my desk, talking to Will about something.

"Hey mate, you want to get some food?"

"Aubrey busy again? She sure knows how to keep the relationship alive."

"Shut your mouth Payne." I hit him on the shoulder and he laughed.

"Ahh, well there's this place down the street. Something-rather, 'dun know, Nat told me about it."

"I'm down for anything. Starved." We both set the rest of our things down, with zero cares about the things we still had to do, and went out.

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