Chapter 57.

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Songs for the chapter:

Yesterday Once More - The Carpenters
Supermarket Flowers - Ed Sheeran

Aubrey's POV.

For the second time today, my eyes fluttered opened, and woke to an empty bed. My heart pounded quickly as I got out of the bed and went into the kitchen. Harry was nowhere to be found. Through my peripheral vision, I saw a paper folded upwards on the island.


I had to go to university early. Something came up. There's coffee made on the warmer plate and some breakfast in the fridge.


My body went cold as I held the note. I was cold as were his words. No nickname, kiss, or love. I felt tears form and slowly fall onto the ivory paper.

I looked at the coffee and poured a cup. It was something I needed right now. As I took a sip of the warm drink, I immediately emptied it into the sink. It tasted bland. Love truly does make an impact on the way things seem. My finger pressed the off button of the hot plate and went to get ready. I wasn't hungry anymore or in the mood for anything. My mind knew that I needed to give him some space, but I couldn't. I picked up my phone and texted both Liam and Isabelle that I wouldn't be coming into work today. My focus was current on Harry and nothing but.

I quickly got ready and headed out the door. It was freezing outside today; but if I had to wait in the cold for him, I would. I tried to remember what Natalie showed me on how to use the Tube several weeks back. I'd used it a couple of times, but she was always with me — I'd never gone alone. I've been here for a few months but never had to use it since Harry drove me where I wanted to go. When I was with El, Isabelle, or Gemma they all owned a car, so I didn't really need to go elsewhere, since they'd pick me. When I used it wIth Nattie, it was before she got her license, and bought a car. She needed one to be able to travel with all of her oversized canvases and art supplies. For groceries, I'd go with Harry or walk to the store.

I bought a pass, quickly studied the underground maps, along with asking a few people for directions. I just prayed no one played me. About twenty minutes after I got on a train, I reached the stop where I needed to get off. I walked through the crowd and up the dirty concrete stairs. It was just a short walk when I saw the entrance that I needed to go through.

As I opened the heavy door, I looked around, and quickly found the class Harry was in. I had his schedule memorised, along with the class locations on campus.

I waited on the bench outside his lecture hall for a fifteen minutes, until people started made their way outside. It was basically finals week, but it seemed that it was a last class to review the exam material. I saw Harry talking to his professor from through the doors and in between the crowd of students that were escaping the room. I had to squeeze through them to get to him, and thankfully, I was able to do. My feet led me down the small stairs towards the podium.

"Pardon me Mr. Styles, may I help you miss?" A lady who seemed like she was in her mid-forties, with blonde hair in a bob cut. Her petite body was in a tailored brown formal suit and skirt. I was surprised that anyone would wear a skirt with no tights in weather like this.

"Actually, I'm here to talk to Harry. I'm sorry for interrupting." I softly spoke and my boyfriend finally turned around, with his beautiful green eyes directly on me.

"Aubrey, what are you doing here?" He was confused with my presence.

"Harry, is this her?" The lady asked him.

"Yes." He shakily nodded. "Professor Campbell, this is Aubrey."

"Oh it is lovely to meet you dear! I've read a lot about you." She turned her focus towards me.

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