Chapter 15.

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Aubrey's POV*

Walking into the kitchen, I heard the front door open and familiar voices speaking. I turned the oven on and preset it to the desired temperature. Eleanor walked into the kitchen. Louis followed Charlotte and the baby she was carrying. A strange man walked along with them, he was probably Charlotte's husband.

"Hi love!" El spoke loudly, but soft enough so she wouldn't startle the baby. She walked towards me. "It's been so long. Especially since you're in London."

"I know, it's been a while, sorry about that. We definitely need to get together soon though!" I replied in the same tone of voice she spoke in. It truly has been a long time since the two of us got together, she was right. After everything that happened, it felt like an entire month has passed through, but it's only actually been a few days. I really don't even know how that's physically possible. 

"Aubrey, what is that?" She pointed and I felt her fingers scan over my forehead. Her fingers were cold against my dried-up scabs.

"Oh, uhm. It's nothing. I just slipped in the kitchen earlier today and hit against the countertop." I told her, as her hand was on my chin moving my head in various directions. Not sure whether she would believe my fib, but knowing my best friend since we could both remember, I had a feeling she knew I was lying.

"Lies. Tell me the truth." Eleanor said. She knew. Harry moved towards me, as Charlotte, the strange man, and Louis stood in reflection of us. 

"Uhm," I started, looking at Harry for reassurance, but he replied to me in a nod. Hoping that he was thinking that it's okay to tell them the truth about what happened. "Jake . . . he tried . . . to uhm . . . he tried to . . . rape me." It took me a while to actually get the words out. I was still in a partial shock from what happened. Considering what happened, I was recovering quite well, and I was glad that Harry was the one that helped me through it all. 

"Oh no. You're okay right?" She asked me and I nodded. Immediately I was pulled against her as she took me into a strong hug. Her force was quite powerful since she was a little bit smaller than I am. I could only hug back, I needed a hug from my best friend. Once, she let go of me, Louis repeated the same action. 

Louis and I have gotten quite close, even though we both haven't really had the proper chance to get to know each other, I did feel like he was an older brother to me. His relationship with Harry was stronger than just friends, they were more of brothers. Eleanor and I had the same exact bond. A bond that could never tear us apart, no matter what happened. Two strong magnets that couldn't be separated. I guess that same feeling was the same with Harry, since we both ended up together.

"Aubrey, this is Charlotte and Christopher. Basically you can just call them whatever you want, they prefer Lottie and Chris." Harry spoke out and Lottie swatted her arm against his. I suppose those two also had that sibling-like relationship as well. 

"Basically what he said," she spoke giving a laugh in between her words and friendly glaring at Harry. "Nice to finally meet you. I've been trying to meet you for the longest time, but time hasn't really worked out except for tonight. I'm sorry about what happened. I hated Jake, we all did as a matter of fact. I don't really know how Harry managed to stand him for so long." She said repeating the previous action, now in triplicate motion. 

"Shut up Lottie. You know I would have kicked his sorry ass out much longer before, but the idiot never came home until recently. He just took off. I hope he-" Harry spoke out angrily, but was interrupted by Charlotte. I was glad that she cut him off, I did not want to know what his next words were going to be. 

"However, let's skip to some happier news. This is Darcy." I looked at Darcy as her mother carried her out from the car seat that was placed on the ground. She was absolutely beautiful, so tiny, and precious. Lottie handed her in my arms and I couldn't move from how beautiful she was, such awe. 

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