Chapter 4.

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Italian. Oh bless them for their amazing food.

The restaurant was classy and opulent, being part of a five-star hotel. El used the valet service, since it was complimentary when you dined in. The interior was modern and sleek. Warm tones against dark furniture, with stylish wide-plank hardwood floors. An entire wall beside the bar, showcased hundreds of bottles of wine. The lighting through a wooden slat ceiling, made the entire space sparkle, showing off it's contemporary design. It was spectacular.

Louis was already waiting for us at a table; and from a distance, I could definitely see why Eleanor would be so smitten by him. A handsome man, in black slacks and blazer, with a white shirt underneath. His hair was incredibly smooth, styled into a slight quiff. Sea glass eyes and small cherry lips, with a slight amount of stubble, added a softness to his manly appearance. He stood just a bit taller than my friend, but as a physical first impression, they looked like the perfect couple.

Once we arrived, he took his girlfriend in to place a kiss upon her cheek, greeting me with one as well — a gentleman. My cheeks flushed at the gesture, not used to such an action. The three of us followed a hostess who seated us at one of the tables by the towering windows on the left. It took a short while for us to order and as soon as the waiter left, our focus was back now on one another.

"So Aubrey, how are you liking London?" He asked with a tone that was filled the most sincerity possible. His voice was soft spoken and very sweet through his English accent.

"I'm absolutely love it. I really wish I could move back here or maybe see if I can do a semester abroad." I said with a smile.

"That would be amazing, you should definitely see if you can!" El spoke happily and the waiter came by to give us our drinks. I'd simply ordered a glass of water, contrary to Louis' and El's wine choice.

I wasn't a drinker nor did I ever really go to parties — except for one. From that, I'd have to say that peer pressure is one of the worst things a person can do to others. I was pushed to try various drinks after being 'convinced' to go to during frosh week. Luckily, I still had a say when it came to actually finishing them. I never planned on drinking again. It wasn't for the sake that I was scarred from what happened to me; but from owning myself up to just have a choice. I preferred not to and it was something I was proud of.

Everyone should feel like they had a choice in their own manner.

Unfortunately, on some matters, things aren't necessarily in our own hands.

What I loved, was that neither one of them judged me for it. Those who don't do that, are people to hold onto, because they could stick around forever, bringing a strong sense of trust with them.

"You used to live here?" He asked as he leaned on the table, his forearms pressed against the edge, both hands clasped together.

"I did. I was actually born here and lived until I was five. Then my dad got a job in Canada, so we moved there. We haven't really left the country since."

"That's awesome. I wouldn't have guessed it without the accent." Louis laughed, teeth shining bright.

I saved myself the embarrassment for trying the accent again. Since I gave it a go with Eleanor earlier, it turned out to be a massive fail. Better to be safe than sorry — at least, sometimes.

The entire dinner had gone by smoothly. We chatted about many things, including parts of Louis' life. It turns out that he'd always wanted to be a professional swimmer and make it to the Olympics, but that goal changed when he found his love for marketing much more. He also has a half sister that lives in New Zealand, but he doesn't see her often; apparently she likes it there more than here. His family had lived up in the northeastern part of England, but when his parents died in a car accident six years ago, he came to live with his grandparents here in London. He seemed to have been through tough times growing up, but his life changed substantially when he made a close friend in secondary school, and then fell in love with El in uni.

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