Chapter 47.

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(This is new!) Song for the chapter: I'll Be There - Jackson 5 

Eleanor's POV*

"Aubrey!" I called her to see if she would stop, but she was out the doors faster than lighting. Harry, Louis, and I all looked at each other in shock. I couldn't believe what had just happened. How did she find out that I told Louis anything? How much did he tell her? I am incredibly screwed. I put my foot in fire, when I could have just stayed away from the flame. After a few seconds we all ran after her. There was no place for her to go, she had to stop one way or another. We all went at super speeds, for a second, I thought we were vampires or something. 

"Aubrey!" Harry called as he moved; but she still didn't stop. Aubrey told me that she wasn't ever a runner or had anything to really do with sports, but she was basically sprinting. Several heads turned towards us throughout the building, they probably thought we were insane — which in all honesty, we were. Full grown adults, shouting names, running through an highly known educational institution that has such great history. There was nothing else we could do to make us seem a little more civilized, it was the only way to catch her. We were incredibly foolish in their eyes. I just prayed that none of them where any of my professors, or the dean. Oh gosh the dean, he knew the best students by name and just him to see us like this, that would be the worst. 

She slowed down as she reached the parking lot. She turned her head multiple ways, but didn't know which way to go. Harry was the first to reach her, Louis and I came up second. He held her body as she squirmed through his grip. I could see that he wasn't holding on tightly, but with the strength she tried to move, it seemed like she could almost escape. He tried to calm her down, but nothing he said was working. She told us all to leave her alone and to go away, but we couldn't. There was no way any of us could let that happen. She needed to know the truth of why we did what we did.

I finally caught up to where her and Harry stood. I moved to stand in front of her view. She'd been crying and all her makeup was smudged on her face. Her eyes were shut as she still tried to pull out of Harry's grip — however, still unsuccessful.

"Aubrey, please listen to me." It wasn't Harry she was mad at, nor Louis; it was mine. This time, it was all me. She's had so much constant hurt in the past couple of days, and as her best friend, who's supposed to be there for her, I quickly blew it.



"You don't get to tell me what to say or do. I trusted you with something so personal and you go behind my back to tell Harry everything! What's worse is that I told you not to! You asked me and I told you no! Harry, Leave—me—alone! Let me go!" Aubrey pulled out of Harry's grip and ran back towards the building. I was about to run after her, but I knew that there wasn't a place that she could really go to. She couldn't leave without us, and if she did, she'd go right to Natalie's place.

"Harry, don't." I held onto his arm. "Let her be for a bit." I breathed and he looked at me with concern in his eyes. He looked multiple times at me, then back at the building where Aubrey ran into. He didn't know what to do, he wanted to help, even though he knew he currently couldn't . None of us could. It was just a waiting game to see what would happen. Louis shook his head at everything. We were all surprised with how things changed in just a mere five minutes. I began to tear up and I felt Louis' arm wrap around my shoulders, as I silently sobbed in his chest.


Aubrey's POV*

I couldn't believe it. All of them. All three of them.

I ran away from them. I didn't know what else to do. All I knew was that I couldn't be around them, not now. They hurt me, they are constantly hurting me. First Harry, then Louis, now Eleanor — well, Louis was because of Eleanor. I trusted her with something that I couldn't just tell anyone. I didn't tell Natalie because I felt that El would be the one who would understand the most in the situation between Harry and I. We've all known each other for years, so she was my best choice; nonetheless, my best friend in general.

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