Chapter 72.

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I have nothing to say, other than it's been an emotional rollercoaster, yeah? Yeah. Please don't forget to vote and comment! It really means so much to me that you do so.

S x

Songs for the chapter:

Let Her Go - Passenger
Meet Me In The Hallway - Harry Styles

Harry's POV.

Sixteen days since I last saw her and she saw me. I saw her once, but she didn't see me. I wasn't creepily stalking her, but I just happened to walk by the the same pathway at the university. I watched her, but I couldn't stand for long — my heart couldn't stand seeing her anymore without the pain reappearing.

I've only written a few times. I didn't want to write. I couldn't write any more. This agony is unbearable. I stopped doing this after my mum passed away and it put hell through my entire system. I didn't want the same thing to happen, but I couldn't help it.

It was our final exam today and it was the last time we were going to be forced in the same room. After this, I'm done school. I graduate soon. Normally, one is supposed to be happy when they their studies and the whole 'life has officially started' concept kicks in; but it feels the complete opposite for me.

I hate it, but I deserve these feelings. Every single one of them.


Earlier today I walked into the lecture hall, semi-prepared with everything I needed. What did I really need though? Something to fix her broken heart. I looked up and saw her sitting just a few seats away. I didn't know why she chose to sit there. There were hundreds of other seats, but it was near the one where we always sat. I never saw her when I walked in; but the point was, she never moved.

I wanted to say something to her, but words weren't even forming. What was it that I was supposed to say? I'm sorry. Like that would really work. It wouldn't. Nothing would. It took everything in me to open my mouth and just say a simple 'hi', but before I got the chance to, our professor spoke.

Throughout the exam, I kept peaking over at her. Tears were coming down her cheeks. I couldn't see them, but I saw her arm constantly moving up towards her face — it was clear that she was wiping them before they fell. I wanted to make her feel better, I wanted to take her into my arms and tell her that everything would be okay, but I couldn't.

Before I knew it, the time for the exam was over. I had no idea how well I did or if I finished enough questions to pass. I think I did, but I wasn't entirely sure. As soon as I handed it in, I looked around to try and see if I could talk to her, but she was nowhere to be seen. She was gone.


Aubrey's POV.

Sixteen days since I last saw him and he saw me. I saw him once before, but he didn't know I was standing nearby. He was talking to a classmate of his. He looked miserable. Why though? What's the point of feeling sad if he's the one that caused the wrong? It should just be me, but it wasn't. Before he could look my way, I walked away. I didn't want him to see me, there was no point for that. I didn't want to give him any sort of hope, because I didn't want that. I knew there was no hope to solve our relationship. We had none. It was nonexistent.

It was our final exam today. I had another one to do, but Harry was done after this. It was the last time that I was going to be forced to see him. I didn't want to see him, but at the same time, I did. I always liked to walk into my classes earlier than I needed to be. Of course, when I was with Harry, I'd always be a bit late because of some moments we shared before he'd walk me. He'd walk me every time he could. Even when he had his own, he'd still take me.

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