140- Counting

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"4...3...2...1...0" Aaliyah beamed as she mastered counting down backwards from 20. I lapped my hands as she bounced up and down in her seat. "I did it! I did it!" She cheered.

"Yes you did! Well Done" I congratulated as I chuckled at her excitement.

I was currently on a work experience placement in a Kindergarten class within an Elementary School. I smiled at her as I started to clean away her little cards that she used to help her.

"Miss y/l/n, my big brother is coming to pick me up today after school. Would you tell him how good I was today at my counting? I want him to be superrrrr proud of me so he will buy me some chocolate!" She asked and I chuckled and nodded.

"Of course, Aaliyah." I pushed the small, plastic, purple chair back and stood up brushing off the imaginary dirt on my pants. She copied and ran back to her teacher to tell her the good news.

The teacher called all of the children around and sat them in a circle were they read a story and sing the goodbye song. They rushed to put their coats and hats on and they each individually came back into the classroom.

"y/n," Mrs Walker called. I nodded. "Can you take the children to the door please?"


"And remember to ask for the passwords." She reminded and I nodded again.

I kindly asked the children to get into a straight line and they all followed me outside. I looked back to make sure everyone was following but Aaliyah was in  the same place daydreaming and twirling her pigtails around her fingers.

"Aaliyah, come on darling" I shouted and she looked at me before giggling and running to the front of the line. Her small hands grasped to mine as she walked alongside me.

Once we arrived the the playground the children were looking impatiently for their parents as their heads popped out of the lines and jumped about agitatedly.

Each child slowly went of with their parents one by one and it was suddenly just me and Aaliyah left. She had a small frown in her face and she crossed her hands over her chest.

"Aaliyah, what time is your-"

"Shawn!" She yelled as she ran towards a gal man who was jogged down the path to the playground. She jumped into his arms and he threw her up in the air before embracing her in a large hug. I smiled at the sight.

I watched as she whispered something into his ear and he started to walk over to me. The closer he got the more attractive I realised her was.

"Hi" I said as he stopped in front of me.

"Hi, erm, blue I guess" He said recalling the password. I chuckled.

"It's okay, I can see that you're related" I laughed and he nodded. "Aaliyah, said you had something to tell me."

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at Aaliyah who was bouncing excitedly in his arms then readied what he was talking about.

"Oh, Aaliyah, why don't you tell him?" I said.

"I counted from 20 to 0 backwards!" She exclaimed as she rushed out her sentence.

Shawn smiled and congratulated her and she wrapped her arms around her neck again.

"Aaliyah, will you go and play whilst I speak to your teacher please."

She nodded before running off to the small play area which was situated on top of some sponges flooring.

"I know this may seem strange, but-uh, you don't look old enough to be an actual teacher so it wouldn't be wrong if I asked you on a-um- on a day?" He mumbled.

"You're right" I chuckled. "I am not a teacher although, I would love to go on a date with you" I blushed slightly.

"Great!" He beamed. "I'll see you Friday, 6 o'clock?" I nodded as he called for Aaliyah.

"Friday, 6 o'clock" I repeated and he smiled.

"Bye miss y/l/n!" Aaliyah called as her and Shawn started to walk away. He turned around and waved. He waved back.

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