Chapter 2 - Small Sidekick

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Chapter two. Small Sidekick
Marinette set the knife back on the table so the delicate fabric on the cushions wouldn't rip.

She pulled the box flaps open. Inside was a tiny parcel wrapped in a thick layer of bubble wrap. She took the tape off that held it together and then ripped off the cardboard-colored paper. Her eyes grew wide.

"M-My earrings..." she gasped, holding the small octagonal box in her hands. She traced the familiar red paint with her thumb and then flipped open the box. She was right, the same black earrings she wore every day and all night lay inside.

Before she had left for China, she had given the earrings back to Master Fu. She had told him her situation, and made him promise not tell Chat Noir of her identity. "I-I'm not ready yet..." was her reasoning.

Marinette took out the diamond studs that she kept in her lobe piercings. She adjusted her upper lobe piercing to make room for the opal-like Miraculous. The familiar warmth engulfed her as Tikki appeared when she clipped the earrings back into place.

Tikki blinked in surprise. She hardly recognized Marinette for a second. She had matured. Her body filled out and her hair was down to her bra-line.
"Marinette!!!" The kwami squeaked and immediately flew over to her chosen, nuzzling her cheek.

Marinette's eyes watered, her makeup from the day before that she neglected to take off began to run, staining her pale skin as tears began to fall.
"Nice to see you again, Tikki.." her voice hitched in her throat. She had thought that she would never see the feisty little red kwami ever again.

Tikki nodded, pulled back to look at her now-much-older friend. "You've changed so much." Tikki giggled a little.

Marinette looked down at herself. She really did change. Despite being the same height, she had gained a little weight and wasn't a thin stick anymore. "I guess I have... but you look the same." She giggled a little, wiping her tears away. The black residue stained her hand. She blinked, looking down at it. She frowned and stood up, rummaging through a box on the kitchen counter labeled "Cosmetics". She found makeup remover wipes and cleaned her face up while she caught up with her small sidekick, telling her of all the adventures she had in China, and even spoke some of the language she learned.

The hours passed by quickly, Marinette telling Tikki stories of her other homeland. She told Tikki of the people she met while they unpacked boxes together, decorating the small one-bedroom apartment.

By half past one, everything was put into place and the boxes were folded down, stowed away for when Marinette needed them.

Marinette had gotten dressed, throwing on an old Jagged Stone tank top with a skirt and then slipped on tights with the garter designs on them. And then black converse and a long fly-away sweater to complete the look. She brushed her hair, leaving it down. After brushing her teeth and then grabbing her purse, she grabbed her phone and let Tikki fly inside before she closed it up, just like old times.

Marinette grabbed her keys and locked the door as she walked out. She had applied new makeup and felt a lot better than the day before, which she had spent the whole time traveling.

She stuck her keys into her purse as well, careful of Tikki. She closed the small bag up and then entered the cramped streets of Paris. She started down the side walk. She had a few very important places to visit that afternoon. Her first stop was Alya's apartment which she shared with Nino.

While she was gone, Nino proposed to Alya. They were set to be married in the next month. Alya and Marinette always kept in touch, and Alya knew Marinette was coming back to Paris, but she didn't know it was today. She went to the address scribbled on the small crumpled piece of paper in her hand and then knocked on the door.
"Coming!" A deep male voice called. It was Nino who opened the door. He blinked and adjusted his glasses, looking down at the short blue-haired girl who he had gone to school with, and even once had a crush on.

Alya poked her head over Nino's shoulder curiously and squealed. She squeezed between her Fiancé and the door and nearly tackled Marinette to the ground. She started to cry. "I DIDNT KNOW YOU WERE HERE ALREADY!" She cried out, keeping Marinette in a bone-breaking hug.

Marinette laughed a little, feeling herself start to tear up after finally seeing her friend. It had been years since she got to see her in person. After Alya finally let go she turned to Nino and hugged him as well. He towered over her more than she anticipated that he ever would.

A few minutes later, Marinette sat at their small dining room table, sipping coffee from a clean white mug.
"Have you talked to Adrien since being back?" Alya asked, peering at Marinette from over her glasses. Marinette set her cup down slowly and shook her head. The last time she talked to Adrien was the day she left school. He had said goodbye to her, and she had almost tripped over her own feet, stumbling over her own words because she could hardly talk to him. She didn't know how she felt about him to today.

The rest of the afternoon was filled with quiet chatter about Nino and Alya's wedding coming up in a few weeks. Everyone they went to highschool with would be there. Even Adrien, who would be Nino's best man.

Marinette left, giving both of her friends quick hugs. She exited the apartment complex into the cold winter night. The sun had just set, causing street lamps to glow. Just as Marinette turned around to go back to her own apartment she ran face-first into someone, a tall man with a strong build, wrapped in a expensive trench coat. A soft "oof" escaped her lips. She almost fell backwards on her butt, but the mans large, but gentle hands caught her by the waist, one hand on the middle of her back.

"M-..Marinette?" He asked.

Author Note!
Ahhh! Thank you so much for all the views and reads already!
I already have 5 chapters ready, currently working on the 6th! Im very excited to keep writing for you all, and I don't plan to abandon it anytime soon, or at all. I really want to finish it! 😊💕

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