Marinette grunted as Hawkmoth's boot jabbed her side. Blood, mixed with saliva dribbled from her chapped lips.
"Keeping quiet won't help you pest." Hawkmoth growled. His foot met her waist again, sending her rolling across the floor. She yowled in pain. Biting her lip, she refused to tell her enemy anything.
Hawkmoth was silent for a minute or two as if he were testing Marinette's stubbornness.
"Go after them." He said in a low voice.
"Yessir." Hawkmoth's henchman replied. Echoing footsteps ran out of the room, the sound of a iron door slamming into place came soon after.
"Chat Noir and Fox won't like what's coming to them... I'm sure they are so worried for you already. For all they know, you'll be dead in a few hours." Hawkmoth sighed dramatically.
Marinette held her tongue. She believed in her partner; or rather - partners.
"Still don't want to tell me who they are?" He asked, changing his tone. His voice turned higher as he asked the question.
Marinette was still, and silent. Just like the rest of the hellish torture room. Queen Bee, or, Chloe was knocked out, Master Fu was dead... what else could she do? She held her own.
Hawkmoth sighed dramatically. "Not only are you a pest but you are stubborn." He growled. He circled her battered body. Something seemed to catch his eye.
He kneeled down in front of her and picked up her left hand."An engagement ring? Could it be.. Chat Noir?" A mocking tone laced his voice. Marinette glared up at him. She kept silent.
A look of realization flickered in his eyes, but it quickly disappeared. Confused, Marinette furrowed her eyebrows and snatched her hand away. She held her ring close. Whatever Hawkmoth was thinking, she didn't want to know.
Hawkmoth chuckled deeply and stood up.
"He must be so worried for you..." he mused, "you'll see him again soon." He smiled. It wasn't anything close to a friendly smile.Marinette spat a mixture of saliva and blood onto his boot. Hawkmoth growled.
"I would suggest you be a good girl and sit silent, Ladybug." He picked her head up by the hair and took a cloth out of his pocket. He smothered her nose and mouth into it.Marinette's vision blurred and before she could fight back she was knocked out.
Chat Noir grunted as the cloaked akuma kicked him to the side. His back slammed against a brick wall. He fell limp to the pavement.
"Give up the fight, Chat Noir." The akuma hissed. Fox had already been defeated and was laying motionless on the ground. He knew Fox wasn't dead, but he figured that his partner was probably just very injured.
Chat Noir lifted his head weakly and looked up at their enemy.
"If I've learned anything over the years... it is that I die before I give up." He spat, glowing green eyes narrowed into slits."You'll regret double crossing me, kitty."
Chat couldn't react fast enough. A quick jab of pain to the side of the head and blurred vision - a second later he was knocked out.
Chat was woken up by ice cold water being poured over his suit. Chat shot up, quickly realizing his wrists and ankles were restrained by iron shackles.
His eyes immediately turned to Marinette. His stomach dropped. Her clothes torn, pale skin exposed, blood staining the ripped material. She looked to be asleep or passed out. Hawkmoth stepped out in front of her.

You're home. [Miraculous Ladybug Fanfiction] (Completed)
FanfictionDuring their Junior year in Highschool, Marinette was forced to go back to her roots. The country of China. Leaving her friends, and Adrien was hard. But it was even harder telling her beloved partner, Chat Noir, that she wouldn't be there to help a...