Chatper 7 - Familiar smile.

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The door opened, a thin young lady standing in the doorway. Her long brown hair reached to the small of her back, combed to perfection. Not a single strand was loose. She had pale green eyes and winged eyeliner that matched her perfectly shaped eyebrow which were colored in obviously. A familiar smile shaped her glossed lips, forming slight dimples in her cheeks.
"Lila?" He asked.
"Hello, Mr. Agreste." She replied. Lila hadn't changed much at all.

Adrien already knew that Lila was from a wealthy family. They owned countless villas in Italy, where she originally lived before moving to his highschool.

The meeting took place. He was required to let her do most of the talking. He only asked questions that he was supposed to ask every "applicant". In all honesty, he didn't mind Lila. But he didn't like her either. She definitely wasn't someone that he'd want to spend he rest of his life with. Marinette's eyes flashed in his mind, making him flinch a little. Lila didn't even notice with how much she was bragging about herself.

Lila... the same as all the other girls. She just wanted to make more money.
"Thank you for stopping by, Lila. I'll have the lady who assisted you here contact you with information regarding this meeting at a later date." He said tiredly. That was Camillé's cue. She entered the room, signaling that it was time for Lila to leave.

Lila, on the other hand wasn't to eager to go. But thanks to his assistant, (which he hated to use that term for her) Lila was forced out.

Adrien's world a lot of the time felt like that one book... The giver. His whole world was grey.

As soon as the door shut, Adrien let his head hand again. Marinette's eyes flashed behind his eye lids when he closed his own.

And then he began to see color. But instead of red, it was blue. An ocean blue.

At first it was Ladybug who captivated him. But lately... it was her. This girl who reminded him so much of his partner he admired for so long.

And soon, because of this blue he saw... it opened up a world of color. A whole array of them.

Adrien pushed his chair away from the desk and walked over to the giant windows in his office. Rain pattered against the window pane with small taps and then rolled down the clear glass, leaving a small trail of water droplets in its path.


Marinette had been sending out work-related emails all day, her fingers sore from writing out each individual email and then checking it over at least 5 times to make sure no mistakes were left untreated. She jumped when an emergency alert came on her phone with a "breaking news" picture spread across the screen. Marinette pulled up the video immediately.

"An akuma has appeared after 6 years of silence in Paris. Will Ladybug and Chat Noir return from their absence?" Marinette immediately jumped up. "Tikki, I think its time to save Paris again!" She exclaimed, balling her hands into fists. Tikki smiled. "You know what to do~" she said cheerfully.

"Tikki, spots on!" Marinette's transformation took place. Her suit was the new and improved one, her double-yoyo contraption draped around her hips. She smiled, feeling a wave of confidence surging through her. She exited through her sliding glass door, jumping off the balcony. She used her yoyo to catch herself before she fell onto the city pavement. She headed in the direction where screams of terror and explosions occurred.

Before she even got to the trail of destruction, a girl with long dark brown, clothed in dark black robes, giant black raven wings outstretched, attacked to her back - showed up and knocked the superhero off her feet. A smirk spread on the girl's face, who was obviously the akuma.
"To think... I, Raven, would be the one to cause the precious Ladybug's return." Her voice was smooth and low. The perfect tone for a classic villain. Her dark blue eyes were full of pure hatred. "Its to bad you won't be able to bask in the glory for long..." Raven chuckled, raising her hand, nails perfectly manicured, painted a glossy black. A metallic black (surprise, surprise) pistol appeared in her grasp, pointer finger sitting on the trigger.

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