Chapter 15 - Champagne

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"If you were brought into the company, what qualities would you add?" He asked, looking into Marinette's eyes.

Marinette took this into consideration and thought for a moment. "Creativity, liveliness, and work ethic." She crossed her legs, visible through the glass desk they sat on either side, facing each other. Adrien was more than satisfied with her answer.

"Finally, why did you consider Agreste co."
"Because the CEO is someone important to me. I can't allow a different woman to be allowed into his life." She said in her defense. But as the same time she sounded innocent.
"That wraps it up. Thank you for joining me, Miss Dupain-Cheng. You'll be contacted at a later date regarding this meeting." He said as he put a document into an envelope. Marinette chuckled.

"So thats how this stuff works." She mused, watching him seal the letter and stamp it carefully with the address of the building.
"Thank you for coming, Marinette... seeing you was a relief." He admitted and walked over to a small black box in the wall. He opened it up and dropped the letter in. The small swoosh of the paper against metal told them it was gone. Adrien closed the box back up and turned back towards her. He held out his hand to help her out of the leather seat.

She gladly took his hand. "Of course. Besides... I wanted to. It took a lot of convincing, but your assistant was really nice and understanding." She smooth down her skirt with both hands.
"Camillé? Yea, she's always been a big help." Adrien glanced at the clock on the wall. It read 5 pm."

He walked over to the door and held it open for her. "After you, my lady." He said. Marinette walked out of the office, her heels clicking on the marble floor. Adrien stopped at Camillé's desk before leaving.
"Cancel all applicant meetings from now on. There is no need for them to be scheduled any longer." He whispered and then caught up to Marinette. He put a gentle hand on the small of her back and guided her through the maze of a building, down the elevator and out to the limo.

Marinette looked around the fancy car. It had black plush seats, a white roof and a cup holder that sat between Adrien and Marinette.


Marinette was snapped out of her thoughts by a buzzing noise. She furrowed her eye brows in confusion and looked beside her. The cup holder compartment split it half and a tray containing a green bottle of champagne and two glasses replaced it. A smile tickled her lips.
"So this is how the rich live." She said in a bewildering tone. Adrien chuckled and poured the already-opened champagne bottle. He filled the glasses with the fizzing liquid halfway and then carefully set the glass down.

Marinette carefully picked up one of the glasses from the top of the stem. She clinked her glass with Adrien's and then brought it up to her lips. She knocked t back gently. The fizzing burned her throat, but she didn't mind. It was refreshing.

Adrien's phone went off. He took it out of his coat pocket and answered it.
"This is Adrien Agres-" he was cut off mid-sentence and his eyes widened. Marinette pretended not to be listening in but she couldn't help herself. On the other line she could hear a deep voice muttering something but she couldn't figure out what.

"Y-yes father. Yea. N-no. Okay.. okay." and with that being said he hung up. His eyes were wide in shock. "That was the first time I've heard from my father in three years." He said, almost in a whisper.

Marinette stared at him in disbelief.
'Why did they stop talking...?' She asked herself. Adrien answered her questions.
"When I took over the company he disappeared. I tried to call him but it said the caller was unavailable. No matter how hard I tried, I could never get in touch with him. This is the first time I've heard his voice in years." He explained. Marinette furrowed her eyebrows.

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