The chatter in the room turned to a dull roar and then complete silence as Nino made his announcement. Alya stood up as soon as the room turned quiet.
"We figured... instead of doing separate toasts, we tell our story together. These two aren't an ordinary couple so why should our speeches be ordinary as well?" Nino asked, smiling at his wife.
Adrien and Marinette glanced at each other. They weren't expecting this.
"First day of highschool, sophomore year 2016. I met Marinette Dupain-Cheng that faithful Monday morning. Chloe burst into the room and forced Marinette out of her seat, telling her to sit next to me, the new girl. "Why? This has always been my seat." Marinette said, confused as to why Chloe acted this way. "Because today Adrien starts school! And because this is going to be his seat, that is going to be my seat so go on get lost!" Chloe said. Marinette got up and moved next to me." Alya started.
"First day of highschool, sophomore year 2016. Adrien Agreste arrives at school. Since I was forced to sit in the front row that year, Adrien was sat next to me. At first I wanted nothing to do with him. He was friends with the Queen Bee of highschool. The mean girl. But when Marinette caught him in what looked like Adrien putting gum on her seat I pitied him. I couldn't let Adrien crash and burn like that on his first day. So I befriended him." Nino said, surveying the guests as they listened quietly.
"First day of highschool, sophomore year, 2016. Marinette calls me, telling me how nice Adrien Agreste really is. I start to think maybe he isn't a snobby rich daddy's boy after all." Alya smirked. "Moving on with the year, Marinette tells me everyday how perfect Adrien Agreste is. How much she idolized him. Unfortunately, she is such a klutz that whenever she talks to him - she can't make a complete sentence." Marinette's cheeks turned bright red as people began to chuckle.
"Throughout the year Adrien talked more about Ladybug, the superhero of Paris. I finally got him to admit that he had a crush on her. I knew it would break Marinette's heart so I never said a thing. But I told Alya. Together we made a pact to bring Adrien and Marinette closer." Nino glanced down at the newly weds, who looked up at him in bewilderment.
"The pact seemed to be working until Marinette came to me one morning, crying. She said she had to move away. Far away. I thought I might never see my best friend again." Alya's tone turned quiet. "Together we told Nino and Adrien. We spent our last night together at Marinette's house where we helped her pack up."
"The day Marinette left... things weren't the same. It wasn't the four of us any more. Adrien was especially upset that day. He claimed that he was okay but I knew it wasn't. I figured it was because Marinette was gone and it hit him harder than expected. But I soon found out it was also because Ladybug left too. Chat Noir confirmed it with the press. Adrien had just lost two of the most important people in his life and there was nothing I or anyone else could do to fix it." Nino's tone went quiet, just like Alya's. The mood fell to a sour state, just like their voices.
"The years passed. Highschool flew by faster than I imagined. Nino and I went to prom together. We begged Adrien to tag along but he refused. Graduation passed. Instead of going to college Adrien went straight to work. I thought he was going downhill more and more as the months went by." Alya adjusted her grip on the microphone. "Nino and I got engaged when I was a Junior in college and Nino had just finished his schooling in music. I immediately called Marinette and told her the good news and asked her to be my maid of honor. She agreed, and then told me she was moving back to Paris a couple weeks before we set the date for our wedding." Alya's voice turned happy again.
"Meanwhile, I called Adrien and told him about the engagement. I asked him to be my best man, to which he agreed. Thats when Alya and I realized that they could possibly see each other again and become closer. Fortunately a couple weeks before our wedding day they ran into each other. Marinette had just left our apartment to announce that she was home while Adrien was heading there to pick up some documents." Nino continued the story. Next, Alya spoke.
"Marinette called me later that night, telling me about how she had just seen Adrien again for the first time in years. She said they went out for dinner. I began hoping something good would come out of this."
"Low and behold, the day of Alya and I's wedding they finally showed signs of becoming closer. They danced together and oh, did I mention it was because Marinette caught the bouquet and Adrien caught the garter? What a faithful twist of events~!" Nino smirked.
Marinette couldn't help but smile to herself. All these little details of their twisting lives came back to her. These memories made her happy... and nostalgic.
"It wasn't long before Marinette called me, saying that her and Adrien finally got together. And here I was thinking 'after all these years who knew this would happen.'" Laughter spread around the room. Marinette's cheeks turned bright pink.
"Our featured couple of the night's journey wasn't perfect. But really, whose is? Both of them went through a lot. But I know one thing for sure, Alya and I are happy to be along with them on the ride." Nino smiled.
"We hope the rest of your journey is full of love and laughter." Alya lifted her glass. "Thank you everybody for listening. Cheers!"
"Cheers!" Everyone said in unison.
Alya handed the microphone to Sabine.
"Thank you for your speech Alya, Nino. It was wonderful!" Sabine smiled. "Good evening everybody, I'm so glad you could make it to this very special occasion. Im Sabine, Marinette's mother. And I just wanted to say how proud of her I am. In fact, I'm proud of both of you!" She turned to face them. Marinette leaned her head against Adrien's should, smiling softly.
"Watching Marinette grow up was a marvelous thing. I watched her open her eyes for the first time. I watched her crawl, walk and then speak for the first time. Together, Tom and I have enjoyed watching her turn into the amazing young woman she is today." Sabine spoke softly into the mic. "And now, she gets to grow with you, Adrien. And I couldn't be happier. Tom and I couldn't be happier. Please take care of her for us. And just remember you two, I want grandbabies~" she smirked, setting the mic down.
Both Marinette and Adrien's cheeks flushed pink. "Maman-!" Marinette whisper/yelled, hiding her face.
Nino picked up the mic, chuckling. "Alright, alright. Everyone please enjoy your meals. The final festivities for the evening will take place soon."
Nino was right. After dinner would come the games. Marinette had no idea what Alya had planned, however. It would be a surprise for her as well as Adrien and the party guests.
Wow look how little turned into a whole chapter! I love the speech part of weddings, tbh. They always make me cry 😂.
I was going to update last night as a special treat because there is only four more chapters to be updated and I wanted to let you all know... but I fell asleep.
But yes, its true. This story will only go on for another four chapters. Its the final countdown yall! I hope you enjoy the final chapters I have prepared for you!
First: no 😂. I thought about doing that though.
Second, third, fourth: I'm glad people are learning a fee things from this fanfiction! (And I wish this comment wasn't marked as offensive because it really made me smile) and I will continue to move forward! After the final chapter of this fanfiction is updated I will writing a closing chapter (a giant A/N from me, and then officially stamp it as "Finished". Afterwards I'll take a small break from writing and then start writing "Double-Edged Sword" again, which I hope you will all check out!
Thats all for now, be sure to follow me for more stories I have planned for the future because trust me, I have many!
Thank you for almost a year of support!
🐞 out!

You're home. [Miraculous Ladybug Fanfiction] (Completed)
FanfictionDuring their Junior year in Highschool, Marinette was forced to go back to her roots. The country of China. Leaving her friends, and Adrien was hard. But it was even harder telling her beloved partner, Chat Noir, that she wouldn't be there to help a...