"Are you ready, dude?" Nino asked, adjusting the final fairy light fixture on the left side of the room. Adrien took in a deep breath.
"I'm as ready as I'll ever be..." he smiled weakly. Nino chuckled and clapped his shoulder.
"It's definitely not easy. Women are a roller coaster ride of constant need to buy tampons and cuddling. I wish you luck." Nino gave a tiny salute.
"NINO LAHIFFE. I HEARD THAT." Alya called from second floor. Nino cringed, and seemed to almost jump out of his skin. Adrien snorted and then started laughing.
"No, I wish YOU luck." Adrien said through bursts of laughter. Nino narrowed his eyes at the hysterical blonde."You'll regret making fun of me one day. Just you wait, Agreste." He crossed his arms over his chest, and then proceeded to prepare the decorations.
Adrien calmed himself down, wiping the tears out of his eyes. The smell of paint fumes still barely hung in the air. They kept the vents open all night to draw out the scent the best they could. Adrien hoped it wouldn't be to noticeable.
He stuck his hand into his suit pocket and pulled out the little red velvet box and flipped it open. He smiled down at it. The diamonds sparkled in the light of the fairy lights.
"Hey lover-boy! You'd better make my best friend feel like a million bucks! Just like how much that ring must've costed!" Alya called down. Adrien looked up at her. She was waving her index finger around, pointing at the glittery piece of jewelry.
Adrien chuckled. "Of course, Alya." He called back up. He looked back down at the ring and smiled to himself. He snapped the box back shut and ran over to Nino to help him finish setting up.
Marinette thanked the waitress as they led Marinette's parents and her to a bench.
"So, Marinette." Sabine started, pushing her menu to the side. "How is work going?" She asked, folding her hands on top of the table. Marinette shrugged.
"Its better than when I started. Now I have Adrien to help me out. She smiled softly, thinking back to the previous night which consisted of them actually working and periods of time of which they messed around, throwing packing peanuts at each other and kisses of encouragement to finish the job."Did Adrien quit his job yet?" Her father asked, taking a sip of ice water the waitress set in front of him, setting a cup down in front of everyone else as well. Marinette shook her head.
"No... not yet. He said he would talk to Gabriel once we were settled." She explained.
"That should be relatively soon, I would hope." Sabine piped up, earning a nod of approval from Tom. Marinette took a sip of the ice water, nodding hesitantly.
"Yea... I really don't want him to get in mishaps with his dad." She said just loud enough for her parents to hear. Sabine put her hand on top of Marinette's and smiled softly.
"Don't fret, dear. Everything will turn out for the best!" She gave a look at told Marinette that she knew something that Marinette didn't. But she didn't want to know what was going on inside her mother's mind.
Sabine giggled. "Besides that~ how many children are you thinking of having~? I want grandchildren." She said stubbornly. Both Marinette and Tom nearly choked on their water.
"M-mom!" Marinette gasped, trying not to attract to much attention. Tom put a gentle hand on his wife's shoulder.
"D-don't try to rush them, dear." The poor guy looked scared. Marinette smiled weakly."Don't worry papa. I don't plan on having any kids yet." She shuffled her feet nervously.
"I know, sweetheart. It's just that... you are my only daughter that I'll ever have. I want you to make smart and safe decisions. When you are upset... it upsets me." He looked so tired. Marinette willed herself not to start crying in public.

You're home. [Miraculous Ladybug Fanfiction] (Completed)
FanfictionDuring their Junior year in Highschool, Marinette was forced to go back to her roots. The country of China. Leaving her friends, and Adrien was hard. But it was even harder telling her beloved partner, Chat Noir, that she wouldn't be there to help a...