"Tell me more about us." She said. Adrien looked up from the floor, hope flickering in his eyes. He walked over hesitantly and sat down in the chair that was pulled up next to the hospital bed she had been staying in.
He told her about all their adventures in Highschool, and recents events that happened over the past couple months.
"But... thats not everything. Tikki, Plagg, its safe to come out now." He looked over at the window sill. Marinette followed his gaze over to the window where two small figures flew out from behind the curtains. She looked at them in surprise.One of them was a small back cat with bright green eyes and the other was a small red bug with black spots on its head and deep blue eyes.
"These are our kwamis. Marinette, this is Tikki, your kwami. She turns you into the person that helps us make an entirely different set of memories." He smiled.
"She turns you into Ladybug."Marinette couldn't believe what she was hearing. All these magnificent things she had heard about the "Miraculous Ladybug" was... all her? She reached her hand out to the small red kwami who touched her finger with her small red paws. Marinette smiled. "Nice to me- I mean... see you again, Tikki." She said gently. The kwami nodded, tears brimming her eyes.
Tikki flew up to Marinette's cheek and nuzzled her head against it. Marinette put a hand against Tikki's back, as in a makeshift hug.
"How many times have we saved Paris?" Marinette asked in disbelief. Adrien chuckled.
"To many times to count."
"Adrien?" She asked.
"Do you still love me?"Her question shocked him. He hesitated for a moment to form his answer. He didn't want to upset her. He could either make her super happy or really upset with his response. Once he gathered the nerve, he spoke.
"Ive always loved you, Marinette. And I always will. Fighting alongside you in Highschool are some of my best memories. But... falling in love with you in a matter of days after all these years is by far the best."Her cheeks turned red. She looked down at the white bed sheets. The corners of her mouth twitched up into a smile.
"I don't remember anything... and it frustrates me that I dont. So... would you help me make some more?" She asked, grabbing his hand. She intertwined their fingers. Her hands were still as soft as he could remember. You wouldn't believe it that she was a tailor."Of course I will, Marinette." He squeezed her hand slightly. She looked up at him and beamed. This was the happiest Adrien had been in weeks.
The day for Marinette to be sent home had finally come. She had a pair of crutches that her parents had bought from the hospital. The top part of them sat uncomfortably under her arms, but if she wanted to gain full mobility again it was mandatory. Adrien stayed close to her, walking beside her while he carried her items out to the limousine he had called to pick them up.
He helped her inside and then climbed in after her, setting her laptop in the seat between them. The ride to her apartment was short lived. But for Marinette, she was taking all of it in. Memories of their beloved city - she didn't have them any longer. It was up to Marinette to make as many new ones as she could.
They took the elevator up to the third floor where she lived and down the hallway to the apartment door labeled "C45". Adrien unlocked the door for her.
"Wow..." Marinette breathed, entering the place she'd have to learn how to call home once again. Adrien smiled and set her stuff on the small dining table in the corner of the room."I really live here?" She asked, turning around to face him, a smile spreading across her face. After being stuck in a tiny hospital room, her apartment must look like a mansion. And he wasn't surprised. It was a pretty decent sized place. Just under 1,500 square feet or so.

You're home. [Miraculous Ladybug Fanfiction] (Completed)
FanfictionDuring their Junior year in Highschool, Marinette was forced to go back to her roots. The country of China. Leaving her friends, and Adrien was hard. But it was even harder telling her beloved partner, Chat Noir, that she wouldn't be there to help a...