Chapter 48 - Vows.

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Marinette handed her bouquet to Alya, who hugged her tightly.
"This is it, girl." She whispered, smiling as the girls pulled away. Marinette nodded.

The butterflies churned in her stomach, but she was ready. Of course, she had been nervous since that morning.

Marinette turned to face Adrien. He was already crying.

"You look amazing... as always." He whispered, taking her hands.

"Thank you... you look pretty sharp yourself." She smirked. It was just like Alya and Nino's wedding - when she felt herself start to fall in love with him again.

The pastor - who was hired to officialize their marriage - began to speak. "Love comes in many shapes and forms. Love has no barriers. Love does not hate - and most importantly, love conquers all." He paused for a moment, stopped; and smiled at the two in front of him and then their family and friends who sat back down in the white ornate chairs. "Lao Tzu once said, 'Being deeply loved by someone gives your strength while loving someone deeply gives your courage.' I think that by joining these two here tonight - they can continue to give each other the strength and courage needed to make it in this amazing and crazy world of ours." The pastor turned to Marinette.

"I asked both Ms. Dupain-Cheng and Mr. Agreste a while back to think about what they wanted to say for their vows. After weeks of preparation, hopefully the words came to them." He smiled, taking a step back.

Marinette nodded, took a deep breath and then began to speak. She let the words she memorized begin to flow. "Where there is love, there is life. I found love with you. I found life... with you." Marinette felt her eyes begin to sting. She had rehearsed this over and over. She hadn't gotten emotional till now. Adrien squeezed her hands gently, encouraging her to go on. And she did. "When you look up the definition of love, it is "an intense feeling of deep affection." But I think there is so much more to such a simple four letter word."

Marinette's tears began to flow. She wasn't even through her vows yet. "Love is putting someone you care about before your own needs. Love is giving a hug to your friend when they are crying. Love is... what I feel around Adrien. So, I vow I'll choose you. I will choose you over and over without pause and without doubt! In a heartbeat... I'll always keep choosing you. I swear no matter what, I will continue to fight for you and love you unconditionally. Thank you." She nodded again, signaling she was done.

"And, the groom." The pastor said, turning slightly to face Adrien.

"I spent most of my life blinded. I spent most of my life in a unforgiving grey that I couldn't get myself out of. Until I met her. My world was grey, and then I was introduced to blue. The ocean, peaceful and beautiful. She was everything I wanted to be. Mysterious, wild and free. The ocean stirs the heart, inspires the imagination and brings eternal joy to the soul. Especially mine. I vow to look into your ocean eyes like I do now with love and amazement. I vow to be the man that I see now in your eyes, today, tomorrow and for always. I vow to catch you if you stumble. And finally, I vow to love you with all of me. Every fibre of my being, every piece of my heart no matter how shattered it may be." Adrien spoke through his tears. He didn't stop to sniff. He didn't stop to look at anybody else. He stared into Marinette's eyes the entire time.

The pastor held out the box which held both rings. He opened it up. "The wedding bands our couple have chosen for each other symbolize their joining in holy matrimony. But, only their hearts can describe what their connection is really like." He took out Marinette's ring and handed it to Adrien.

"Do you, Adrien Agreste, take this woman; Marinette Dupain-Cheng to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in good times and woe, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself solely unto her for as long as you both shall live?" He spoke as though he has done this a thousand times.

"I do." Adrien said, smiling widely.

The pastor turned to Marinette, and handed her the ring she chose for Adrien. "Do you, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, take this man; Adrien Agreste to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in heath, to love, to honor, in good times and woe, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself solely unto him for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do." Marinette said, returning Adrien's smile.

Adrien carefully slipped the dazzling ring onto Marinette's finger, right in front of the engagement ring. Marinette slipped the ring she had picked out earlier onto Adrien's left-hand ring finger.

The pastor spoke again. "By the authority bestowed in me, I now pronounce you man and wife. Adrien... you may now kiss your bride." He took a step back.

Adrien let go of Marinette's hands. He carefully moved the veil from in front of her face, over her head to trail down her back. The camera lights began to flash. The tension in the room began to build up as the moment approached. Adrien's cupped her cheek with his left hand, leaned in and then pressed his lips against her own.

With her eyes closed, Marinette wrapped her hands around the back of her neck, lips moving softly in-sync with his. The cheers and clapping in the room erupted. Flower petals showered on top of them. Marinette and Adrien broke away at the same time.

"We did it, princess." Adrien said softly, pressing his forehead against her's gently.

"So we did, kitty..." she whispered back.


Marinette intertwined her fingers with Adriens as they walk/skipped back down the aisle together. Before the reception could take place, it was time for post-ceremony photos with all the groomsmen, bridesmaids and immediately family. Of course there were shots of just Adrien and Marinette, Marinette with her parents, Adrien with Marinette's parents, the bride with the bridesmaids, the groom with the groomsmen, the bridesmaids and groomsmen together, the maid of honor with the best man, the groom with his best man and the bride with her maid of honor.


Adrien took the knife first. Marinette put her hand on top of his, and together they sliced into the cake. It was three-layers, all of them circular. The cake was vanilla inside with white fudge frosting to hold it together. On the outside, the frosting was white with red edible roses cascading down the side. The topper was a small figurine of Adrien lifting up Marinette, both in their dress of the evening. Their foreheads were pressed together, and at their feet was a small metal sign attached that read "Agreste".

Marinette wasn't Marinette Dupain-Cheng any more. She was Marinette Agreste. It almost sounded funny to say.

Adrien and Marinette sat down in their designated spots, the groomsmen to the left of Adrien and the bridesmaids to the right of Marinette. All the guests sat at separate round tables.

Nino stood up and tapped his empty wine glass with a knife. "I'd like to start off toasts. Get comfortable everybody because Alya and I are about to tell one miraculous story."


WHOOOOO. YALL HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH TIME AND THOUGHT I PUT ITO THIS STORY! Ive been to three weddings in my lifetime so I had to do a lot of research to help myself along and boy did it pay off!
I hope you all are happy with what I've produced ☺️.

1. I love that taco 👀
2. Weddings are meant to be emotional. I hope I got some of you emotional as well!
3. I loved writing that part so much 😂
4. LOL YOU THOUGHT THAT WAS THE CEREMONY?! I hope this chapter was even better ☺️
Thats all for now.
🐞 out.

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