Chapter 10 - A deady secret.

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"Chat... I have something I want to tell you..." Ladybug said slowly. She swallowed hard and tried to find the courage to speak.

Chat nodded, encouraging her to go on. 'Was this it? Is this finally when I find out who she really is?'

Ladybug's eyes fell to the city below them, her eyes welling up with tears.
"But... the words... they wont come out." She sniffed. Her name was on the tip of her tongue, but she couldn't bring herself to say it. It was like a deadly secret. If she told the truth, it would mean her life would be in danger. And in some cases, maybe it was a like that.

Chat felt his heart drop. He had gotten his hopes up. He knew he wouldn't find out tonight. She needed time.
"My lady, sometimes... some secrets are better off when they remain secrets." He said quietly, staring at his feet.

Ladybug sniffed. She trusted her partner wholeheartedly. And she couldn't tell him who she was. The fact was... something worried her. These supposed new partners haven't showed up yet. And Hawkmoth getting stronger? She hadn't noticed anything. What was going on...?


Marinette awoke the next morning to blinding sunlight filtering through her windows. Her eyes were red and puffy from her melt down in front of Chat the night before. She really did want to tell him who she was. He deserved that much. She just didn't know how to tell him. Or when.

The thought made her head ache. She groaned and kicked the white puffy comforter off her legs. She sat up straight and stretched, smoothing down her bedhead and rubbed the sleep out of her aching eyelids. She swung her legs over the side of the bed, feet dangling in the air just above the wooden floor. She pressed her toes against the freezing surface as she eased herself out of bed and then sauntered over to her desk where her laptop sat.

Opening it up, it flickered to life. Her email immediately popped up. She frowned and began scrolling through the letters she had yet to reply to. She closed her laptop again and made her way into the kitchen. Her bridesmaid dress from the wedding was slung over one of the dining room chairs, her heels sitting next to the chair.

She imagined Alya know, probably hungover and puking. "Dumbass..." she mumbled to herself, chuckling a little. She opened up the fridge. It was pretty much empty.
"Well... guess my weekend just made plans for itself." She sighed and then retreated to her bedroom to get dressed.

She opened up her closet and picked out a yin and yang tank top, black skirt, a black bomber jacket, knee high socks and finally a pair of white doc martins. When she was fully dressed she put her hair into a loose side braid and then brushed her teeth.

She grabbed her purse and then gently set the sleeping frame of her kwami, Tikki, into it with an extra cookie and her keys in there as well. She left her apartment, double checking that it was locked before doing so and then made her way to the grocery store, making a mental note of everything she needed.

It was a foggy winter morning, the sun totally hidden by the low-hanging clouds. Groceries was one thing that she'd rather not go get but unless she wanted to starve, she had to. While passing a newspaper stand, an article immediately caught her eye.

"Paris' new hero?" Was the headline. The picture was of a blonde girl in a black and yellow suit, holding what looked like a top.
"Can you believe it? Paris has three heroes now." The man selling the newspapers said. He was reading the article as well.
"Queen Bee?" Marinette asked.
"Thats right, young lady. The news station got an interview with her last night! Didn't you see it?"
"N-no... I was rather busy." She admitted, rubbing the back of her head awkwardly.
"Bah. Youngsters these days." He chuckled.

Marinette payed the newspaper vendor and read it as she walked.
"From now on, Paris has a new superhero to look up at. Queen Bee!" Said our new superhero. Marinette narrowed her eyes. "I have a feeling little miss Queen Bee and I may not get along to well..." she grumbled to herself and then tossed the paper into the basket she picked up from the store. She walked around the display shelves and row after row of products. She picked up what she knew she needed, avoiding the things she knew she didn't.

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