Before you read the final chapter of this story I'd just like to thank you all for your continued support! It makes me so happy I'm actually crying while updating at the moment- aHH.
It has been 7 months of me updating this story and I can't thank those of you enough that found the time in your day to read this fanfiction every week, leave the amazing comments you did, and inspire me to keep writing! Thank you all for this miraculous journey! I hope you enjoy the final chapter, and continue reading my other fanfictions if you do decide to follow me!
(Speaking of which once this is updated I will start rewriting Double-Edged Sword and I think I'll make the first update Sunday!)
Thank you all little miracles a million! And without further ado~ I give you the finale of You're Home!Marinette yawned as she moved the fabric under the sewing machine needle.
"I'm done for the day, Marinette." One of Marinette's employees, Ada announced, poking her head around he corner.
"Alright, good work today. Lock the doors when you leave please." Marinette smiled, waving Ada off.
"Of course, see you tomorrow." She called over her shoulder, walking down the stairs. Ada was young, and reminded Marinette of when she was in her early 20's. Being 30 now, Marinette didn't feel like she was young any longer. She had two kids, and her own business. That didn't scream "young woman" in her opinion.
Marinette pushed back in her seat, taking her foot off the pedal for the sewing machine. The dress she was working on was nearly done. It was short, off the shoulder and designed for a teenager. It made her feel nostalgic.
She heard the door close, and then the lock turn. She was the last one in the building for the third time that week. After a recent spike in sales she found herself working more overtime.
Marinette's phone rang. She checked the caller ID, it was Alya. No surprise there.
"Alya, hey, whats up?" She asked, yawning again."How about some mani-pedis. I've had enough of my boss and I want to rant without scaring Nina." She really sounded pissed off.
Marinette chuckled. "Alright, alright. I'll meet you at the regular place in 10." She said, waiting for Alyas confirmation before hanging up.
Sliding her phone in her purse, she put her current project away for now and then headed downtown. Alya was already there, standing in front of the salon with her arms cross over her chest and frown causing her aura to turn dark.
"Whoa whoa, are you alright?" Marinette asked, tucking a long strand of hair behind her ear, ignoring the little stab of her miraculous studs that pricked her finger.
"My boss pisses me off. I had an amazing story on the silence of the miraculous holders, thanks to you, and he won't accept my story!" She growled, walking into the salon. Marinette followed her inside.
"Alya, you're an amazing journalist. Why would he reject your work?" She asked, requesting an immediate appointment. Alya continued her rant as they were led to the massaging chairs.
"He said I wasn't credible enough! Apparently your words aren't enough. He wants proof I spoke to the previous Miraculous holders, he wants the whole scoop that I can't give him." She mumbles.
Marinette hadn't transformed in years. The last time she remembered being transformed was when they fought Hawkmoth for the final time.
"I'm so sorry, Alya.. why don't you start your own newspaper?" She asked, "or try out for a part on the news station."
"I would, but you know who runs the news station." She mumbles. Of course Marinette knew. Lila Rossi, always competing with Alya to get the best scoop.
"What if... team Miraculous made a comeback?" Marinette said, thinking put loud. Alya slowly turned her head to look at Marinette.
"Are you suggesting-"
"I'm not making any promises!" Marinette quickly cut her off. "Emma and Louis don't even know the truth yet." She warned. Not that they'd truly understand. Emma was hardly four years old.
"I'm sure they'd love to know, you know." Alya smiled.
"I know. They'll know when they can understand better."
Marinette chose pink fingernails and toenails. Alya went for a red color, which was unusual. Maybe it was due to her anger for her boss.
"I'll see you later, alright? I gotta pick up some fabric before I get home." Marinette smiled, waving goodbye to her long-time friend.
Marinette's walk to the fabric store was short. She was looking for specific material and colors. Emma had heard a story about the famed super heroes and wanted mask just like them. Marinette had a better idea. Ladybug and Chat Noir themed pajamas with hoodies in which a mask was attached.
Purchasing the fabric made her miss the days of flying about Paris' skyline, conquering evil and saving the day. She missed seeing people's faces light up when they saw the two heroes. Maybe Ladybug and Chat Noir could make a comeback. Just for one night.
"Thank you." Marinette smiled, taking her bags of fabric off the counter. Marinette hailed a taxi and gave the driver the address of her home.
What would she make for dinner? Perhaps a pasta dinner or a quick stew.
The ride home was short. The lights in the windows were on, as normal. The dog began barking, as normal, ready to greet her at the door.
Marinette walked up the porch steps, inserted her key into the lock, and twisted the door knob.
"Mommy! You're back!" Emma, still shaky on her legs hugged Marinette's thighs.
Adrien, holding Louis walked over to greet her. He bent down slightly to kiss her.
"You're home." Adrien said softly, brushing his fingers against her cheek. Marinette smiled.
"Hey... once we put the kids to bed why don't we get out tonight...? Together?" She asked, picking up Emma. She held the toddler on her hip while she used her free hand to outstretched her clenched fist towards him. Surprised, Adrien looked at her skeptically, but the smile soon returned. He connected the fist bump.
"Of course, my lady."
That night the old duo of superheroes bounded across Paris, hardly paying any mind to those that called their names, asking there they've been.
They landed gracefully on the middle highest beam of the Eiffle tower, just like the good old days, and gazed out upon the city.
"Now we are really home, Chaton." Ladybug smiled up at her partner in fighting crime and in life.
"Couldn't have said it better myself, m'ladybug." He shuffled closer, taking her by the waist as he hugged her close. "Life has been miraculous with you, my lady."
Ladybug giggled, standing on her tip toes to touch noses with him. "You're right. Its been simply the best." She said softly.
Their lips connected in a gentle kiss. This was their home. Paris, their kids, each other. Their family and friends and the little places where lasting memories were created. I guess you could truly say... home is where the heart is, home is where you make it.
Thank you all bunched for reading to the end of this fanfiction! It means a lot to me as just a humble hobby-writer! I hope you enjoyed every bit of it! Every twist, every turn and the plot I put our beloved Ladybug and Chat Noir into! If you wish to read more Miraculous fanfiction please be sure to follow me as I am rewriting Double-Edged Sword! After that is finished I have many other ideas I really want to start! I hope you all had a miraculous time reading! Thanks for everything!
For one last time, thats all for now.
🐞 out!

You're home. [Miraculous Ladybug Fanfiction] (Completed)
ФанфикDuring their Junior year in Highschool, Marinette was forced to go back to her roots. The country of China. Leaving her friends, and Adrien was hard. But it was even harder telling her beloved partner, Chat Noir, that she wouldn't be there to help a...