Chapter 4 - Little Lady.

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Marinette leaned against the door, cheeks flushed a bright pink. Tikki giggled. "Well~ isn't that a turn of events!" She smiled. It was only then Marinette noticed the envelope on the floor. She picked it up and took the note out. It had a address and the words "Come with the mask on".
"You should go." Tikki encouraged.

Marinette wasnt so sure. This would be the first time she transforms in over 6 years. "We don't even know who wrote it." She pointed out. Tikki smiled, one of those smiles that told Marinette that her kwami knew something she didn't. Marinette sighed, giving in. "Tikki, spots on!"

The familiar warmth of her transformation enveloped her. But she immediately saw a difference. Her suit wasn't the same. Her arms were fully black from her finger tips up to her elbows, the same goes for her feet, all the way up to her knees. Her long hair was done into a bun with the little red lace poking out of them. Her yoyo was upgraded to a double yoyo-type contraption, tied around her waist which clearly showed under her skin tight suit. It was a little embarrassing. Her mask stayed the same, as did her earrings. Before she left, she practiced with the new yoyo in her apartment. It was pretty easy due to the fact she used one all the time as a teenager.

She then climbed up onto her bay window and opened it. She used her yoyo as a grappling hook and then shut it, keeping it unlocked for when she returned. She held the fancy slip of paper in her hand, looking down at the address as she ran on top of buildings. It didn't take long for her to find. A small business building was her destination. She hesitantly walked inside, her yoyo tight in her grip. It was dark inside, and the musty smell almost choked her. But she felt like this was important and she needed to stay.

"Little lady.." a familiar voice cooed. She turned around, eyes locking on the glowing green ones that could only belong to the notorious Chat Noir. He immediately walked over and took her into a hug, to which she gladly returned. "Nice to see you again, Chaton..." Ladybug whispered.


"I've missed you, my lady." He said when he pulled away, already missing the warmth of her body. Ladybug held her right arm with her hand, nodding somberly. "I-I know..." she turned her head away, eyes turning to the ground. Before she could say anything else, the lights turned on.

"Good evening Ladybug, Chat Noir." Master Fu said, walking out of a back room, into their view. Both of the now much older superheroes turned to look at the person that made their transformations possible. "Master Fu, why did you bring us here?" Ladybug asked, leaning her weight onto one foot. Master Fu kept a straight face. "Hawkmoth's kwami has become active again. Ladybug, you're Miraculous became active just in time... but I'm afraid that the two of you alone won't be enough to help." He said.

Ladybug furrowed her eyebrows. "What do you mean? Chat Noir and I managed just fine by ourselves years ago." She crossed her arms over her chest. Chat Noir put a hand on her shoulder gently. "I think it would be best to hear him out, my lady." He said quietly, his voice lower than she had remembered it to be.

"Chat Noir is right, Ms Ladybug." Fu smiled. "I am giving two more miraculous' out." He said, folding his hands together out in front of him. Ladybug's mouth was slightly ajar. "Which ones?" Chat Noir asked.

"I have chosen the caretakers of them already... but they are Queen Bee, and Volpina." He said, earning a sharp breath from Ladybug. "But wasn't Volpina an akuma?" She asked, her voice shaking a little. Chat Noir spoke up before Master Fu could. "I once saw a book of all of the known Miraculous. Volpina is a real one." He said lowly.

Master Fu nodded. "He is right." Ladybug was still trying to comprehend this. "So.. you are telling me that Hawkmoth... is active again? And we need help?" She couldn't help but feel a little insulted. Fu sighed. "Its nothing to take personally Ms Ladybug. This is simply for your own safety. Speaking of which, I assume you still don't know one another's identity."

Ladybug and Chat Noir glanced at eachother, shaking their heads. Fu's lips pursed. "Identity is still important today. Especially now. Whether or not you decide to reveal your true self is none of my concern, but you must be wary." He warned, fidgeting with the bracelet that hung around his wrist.

Chat Noir sighed. "I know." Master Fu smiled a little. "That is all I wanted to say. Stay strong you two. You'll figure out everything in the end eventually." And with that being said, he turned around and left through the same door he came out of. Ladybug frowned and turned around as well, walking out of the small building.

Before any civilians could see her, she lifted herself onto the roof. Chat followed behind her. "I must say my lady... you certainly do look different. Paws-itivly a-meow-zing." He said in a low, flirtatious voice like he used to. Ladybug closed her eyes, fighting back a smirk. "Down kitty.." she mumbles, back facing to him. Chat raised an eyebrow. "You alright, my little lady~?" He asked, standing a couple feet behind her.

Ladybug ignored his teasing about her height. "Im okay... I'm just wondering why Fu thinks Hawkmoth has suddenly gotten so powerful that we need help." She said, crossing her arms over her chest. Chat smirked. "Hmm... so this is a pride thing~?" He asked. Ladybug hated to hear him put it that way. "I-I don't want to talk about this anymore. I have to get going." She took her yoyo off her waist. Before she had the chance to leave, Chat grabbed her wrist.

"Please-! Don't got yet, Ladybug." He begged, almost sounding like a child. Ladybug lowered the hand she held her yoyo with and looked over her shoulder at him. "L-Ladybug I..." he stumbled over his words. "I haven't seen you in over 6 years..." he started out. Ladybug's stomach churned with uncertainty. "I searched for the next two years you went missing... and you never showed up. I spent so many sleepless nights wondering where you went, searching civilian crowds to see if I could find a face that matched yours. Can't you tell me... who you are?" He asked, eyes wide and full of emotion. Ladybug turned to face him. "Chaton... I-I don't think I'm ready to show you. For the same reason..." She licked her lips, pausing for a second. "For the same reason I never told you all those years ago." She finished her sentence.

Chat's ears flattened against his head. "I-I see... but why...?" He asked. If she had asked him who he was, he wouldn't waste a second. He didn't understand why she was so different. Ladybug looked at her feet. "Im not the girl you want me to be, kitty. Im afraid to disappoint you. Im afraid to disappoint Paris." She admitted. Chat let go of her wrist. "Ladybug... I said this before and I'll say it again. I don't care who you are under that mask. You are Ladybug with or without it. My feelings towards the woman with the red spotted get up will be the same for the woman without it." He said, tilting her head up with his fingers pressed under her chin.

Her partner's words lifted her spirits, but she still wasn't sure. "I've got to go, Chaton. I'll see you later." She whispered and then bounded off into the night, the little paper with the address fell to the spot she stood just seconds before. Ladybug traveled all the way back to her apartment, closing the window that she had left unlocked. She de transformed after closing the blinds and sighed.

Tikki looked up at her chosen with worried eyes. "Marinette..?" She asked hesitantly. Marinette shook her head. "Its nothing, Tikki." She smiled, looking exhausted. It had been a long night for her.


Adrien de-transformed in his room and sat down on his bed, folding his hands neatly as his head drooped. "Hmm? Whats up, kid?" Plagg asked. Adrien shrugged and described that nights events, everywhere from Ladybug's new look to what Master Fu had said. Plagg's eyes widened. "He's giving more Miraculous' out?" He asked, echoing his chosen's words. Adrien nodded. "Yup." He said, pressing his lips together. His mind then switched topics again. "But Plagg... there is something else that has been on my mind." He said hesitantly. Plagg's ears twitched. "I'm listening."

Updated early because its Valentines day. Honestly I hate valentines day but consider this my gift to you, the most awesome readers ever. 💕

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