Marble Hornets Ocs

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Marble Hornets Ocs

To be honest, I haven't read many MH ffs involving Ocs because I hate Oc stories, but I can still remember a bit.
Then again, really only a bit. :'D

1. The crazy ones?

I'm talking about those that meet Tim in the mental hospital. Why they're there? Most often because of our favorite dick - no, not Brian's! (wtf, me.) - Das Operatoriteur! (it's not even a word. Why, me, what is wrong with you.)
However. They somehow got to talk to each other and end up (after going somewhere together) meeting The OP. And then they fall in love/confess their love.. Uhm.. Here I've gotten a question..

I'll probably never know.

2. Since school

That's a bit more likely. They know each other since college and the Oc is maybe even involved in Marble Hornets. Well. This Oc just kinda tends to be involved in a love triangle/square/everyone wants to fuck her.

3. Lady Luck

This is the Oc of a story on quotev - she's called "Lady Luck/y", aka Y/N. (I think) She's, tbh, one of my favorite Ocs I've ever had. (also it's a Hoodie ff~)

She "lives" at an abandoned house when she first meets Hoodie. He got injured in a fight he had or somewhat and she helped him. Took him to "her" room and took care of his injuries while he made her tell her story to him. However, after they separate and she wanders off to her next place to sleep (she's homeless) she meets Tim,  or rather saves his ass. They end up together and.. Uh.. Welp, something happens, time passes and they wake up together in a car seven months later. With Hoodie.

However. I can't sum up shit well. So.

I'd suggest you to read the story (if you care about this at all lmao)

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