Hoodie (#Headcanon)

353 15 11

Did you ever notice that Hoodie was very focused on Tim the whole time?
Like, really, his main focus was always Tim (meant like: Tim was the person Hoodie concentrated on the most; when he chained Alex to that chair, f.e., he let Tim/Masky beat the shit out of him first although he could have done it himself.

Btw: I think it's funny how the OP let them beat the shit out of Alex but interfered when they were about to kill him. Like: Hah, asshat, u deserve that.)

However, I just noticed that this isn't really a headcanon at all, I guess? Welp.

But the reason that Brian/Hoodie was so focused on Tim could be that he either wanted to save him (in his twisted thoughts it was a way to save Tim if he worked with Brian together; like on Noah's ark, only his family was allowed to be saved; so if Tim (basically) became Brian's family due to helping him, Brian thought that Tim would be saved) or he did it out of love (platonic or not, that's up to you.)

Sorry that this chapter kinda doesn't have a "plot line" at all; I wrote this while driving/walking to school and had to exit the sub 'n such.

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