Hoodie Theory

160 13 4

So. You know what I noticed?

When Alex shows Tim Brian's corpse, you can see his face, not?
For someone who lived supposedly in the forest for years, he's not as skinny as you'd expect him to be, huh? I mean, after all it would be rather difficult to have enough money to buy every day food if you haven't had a job in years.

But why did he look so healthy then?
My idea: I think Seth still had his apartment/house he used to live in before.. stuff happened and simply lived there with Hoodie. And since Seth never really took action in (as much as we know), maybe he had a job so that he could affort everything they needed?

That would explain a lot. For example, why they had electricity for their laptops/computers  and cameras and stuff, had WiFi and why Hoodie's clothes looked always clean.


Ehm.. It's been a while, I guess? Like, theories.

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