2. Run-Ins and Lies

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Maya's POV

"Maya" my mom shouts from behind my door making me moan in annoyance. I glance over at my clock realizing that it's already past seven which means that I slept through my alarm. Again.

"I'm up" I shout back as I pull back the covers, climbing out of bed and sprinting over to my dresser. I pull out a pair of skinny jeans, changing into them quickly before heading over to my closet to find something to pair them with. I settle on an orange off the shoulder sweater and I slip into a pair of gray flats before rushing into my bathroom where I brush my hair and my teeth, apply a light coat of makeup and rush out to the living room.

"Do we have any fruit?" I ask quickly as I glance at the clock. Shit. I only had like ten minutes to get to school.

"Here have an apple" my dad smiles as he tosses the fruit to me. "Kiddo maybe you should set a couple more alarms" he adds making me sigh as I bite into my breakfast.

"Yea yea" I reply as I grab my backpack. "Love you" I shout over my shoulder as I start my trek to school. After Josh moved in he started driving Riley to school and on the days he skipped Lucas drove her meaning I walked by myself every morning.

I finally reach the school and realize I have three minutes to get to class. I rush to my locker and collect my things but as I turn around I literally run right into someone.

"Watch where you're going" he says snottily making me moan in annoyance as my eyes land on Josh.

"You're one to talk Matthews" I reply snippily. "I'm surprised you're even here. Did you even know people got up this early?"

"Wow, nice one" he replies as he rolls his eyes at me. "You were the one who bumped into me so next time chill with the snippiness."

"Well if you weren't here" I start but he cuts me off.

"If I wasn't here you would've run into some other poor unfortunate soul" he replies as he crosses his arms over his chest. "You know you could act less like a bitch."

"You know you could act less like a man whore" I shoot back as the bell rings making me throw my free hand up in annoyance. "And now you've made me late to class. Thank you so much Josh" I say angrily as I storm off to class.

~ 📚 ~

Josh's POV

Her words hurt no doubt but what hurt more was that she was right. Not about me running into her because that was totally her fault but the man whore thing. I had a reputation around here and Maya was all too aware of it which drove me crazy. Of course there's more to the story but it's not like she'd ever listen.

I decide to skip first period and instead I head to the guidance office. "Morning Joshua" Ms. Gabriel smiles as I walk into the office. "Do you have an appointment with Ms. Robins today?" she asks curiously as she prepares herself to type into the computer.

"Um no but I was hoping she'd be free" I reply making a smile pull at the young woman's face.

"For you of course" she smiles as she motions to the door giving me permission to enter. I give her a smile before pushing open the door to reveal the school counselor Ms. Robins.

"Uh oh" she says as she looks up at me worriedly. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing" I lie, faking a smile. It was something I had become scarily good at over the past year. When your parents die everyone is constantly asking you if you're okay. The real question is do they actually care? Do they expect you to say no? Do they expect to become a shoulder to cry on? No. They expect you to force a smile and say I'm fine because that way they've checked in with you and they can carry on with their lives. Everyone wants to know what's wrong but no one actually cares.

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