14. Punches and Conversations

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Maya's POV

Riley agrees to push back the party on account of me getting grounded. She thinks I was finally caught with Charlie and I intend to keep it that way. I didn't need her to know I had almost allowed her uncle to reach third. In retrospect it was the worst idea ever. We haven't been together long and it was just the high from the party that made it seem like a good idea. I'm glad it didn't happen and I wish I would've kept my mouth shut but the damage was done.

I know I need to talk to Josh but I'm afraid he might be disappointed more than relieved that we didn't round any bases on Friday.

"When are you done being grounded?" Riley whispers curiously to me as we're sitting in history.

"Friday. It was only a week" I shrug as the bell rings signaling that we can get up. I grab my stuff and walk out of the classroom with Riley by my side. It was nice to have her back but I was worried about the ticking time bomb that was my secret relationship with her uncle.

"Good, so we can have the party on Saturday. Just stay away from Charlie until then" she adds with a laugh. "Have a good tutoring session" she adds as she plasters a fake smile onto her face and I appreciate it more than she knows. We part ways and I head off to the library, finding Josh sitting at our table.

"Hey" I smile as I take a seat across from him.

"I thought you died. Why the radio silence?" he asks curiously.

"I may have told my dad that you weren't the first boy to get in my pants" I admit causing his eyes to widen. "It was dumb and I was a smart ass and I got grounded until Friday."

"About Friday" he trails off causing my stomach to clench in nervousness.

"Yea?" I ask worriedly as I bite my lip, awaiting his response.

"I think it's good that it didn't happen" he admits causing me to let out a breath of relief.

"Thank god. I thought you were gonna say you were disappointed" I reply as I take out my notebook.

"I mean I was a little bit. You're sexy as hell Maya and you are my girlfriend but that being said it's only been a week and I want this to be more than a sexual thing" he admits making a smile pull at my lips.

"Good because that's exactly what I was thinking. And now that we've settled that, I need your help with test corrections."

"Corrections? Should I be worried about how many you got wrong?"

"I don't know" I shrug as I hand him the test, fighting back a smile.

"Three wrong" he exclaims. "Babe why are you even doing corrections?" he asks confused.

"Because I can still get a few points back" I shrug. "Gonna help me or not boyfriend?"

"Anything for you girlfriend."

~ 📚 ~

Josh's POV

"There you are" Mike exclaims as he rushes up to my locker. "What the fuck man? Two weeks in a row you bring that girl and you disappear."

"It's called a relationship Mike. Chill" I reply as I put my books away, exchanging them for my backpack.

"What? So you're actually dating this chick? How good a fuck is she?" he asks causing my blood to boil and before I even register it, my fist connects with his face.

~ 📚 ~

Maya's POV

I see Josh hit Mike. I'm surrounded by my friends. I'm next to Riley. I shouldn't run over to him. I shouldn't even act interested but I am interested. And worried. Beyond worried. So of course I run right towards him.

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