21. Fighting and Making Up

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Josh's POV

"When am I gonna get to hang out with this girlfriend of yours?" Bridget asks as she sits in my room on Thursday night. She decided to randomly pop in like she did every so often. "Oh my gosh you should bring her to the NYU Halloween party. You guys can dress up and be totally cute" she gushes making me laugh.

"Bridge" I argue but she shakes her head.

"I'm already making you go. You may as well have fun. Bring her" she insists.

"I'm trying to prove that I'm not into all that partying bullshit anymore" I argue as she rolls her eyes.

"Josh I'm not saying you have to get totally wasted or anything. I'm just saying, take the girl to a party. Get all dressed up and show her off. I'm sure she wouldn't mind being on your arm" she smirks.

"We'll see" I give. "No promises Bridge."

"For the record I think the two of you are adorable" she smirks making me throw a pillow at her.

"I hate you" I laugh lightly.

"Liar" she smirks. "You love me and you know it."

~ 📚 ~

Maya's POV

"What are you dressing up as this year?" I ask Riley as we talk on the phone on Thursday night. I'm lounging on my bed ignoring the large stack of homework that's waiting for me on my desk.

"A princess" she answers immediately. "What about you?" she asks curiously.

"I have no idea" I admit. "Do you think we should invite Josh to come hang out with us on Halloween?" I ask curiously. Silence follows the question. "Riles" I check to see if she's still on the line.

"I don't know" she replies unconvincingly. "Maybe or you know maybe not" she adds making my eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"Why not?" I ask worriedly. "I thought you were getting along now."

"We are" she sighs. "It's not about the two of us. It's just. He's going to some party at NYU with Bridget" she says finally making my heart sink.

"Oh" I reply, unable to come up with a better response.

"Maya he made the plans before you got together. Maybe he'll cancel" she adds positively.

"Yea. Maybe" I sigh. "Look Riles I gotta go. I'll talk to you later."

"Okay" she replies reluctantly. "Talk to you later Peaches."

I put down my phone and change into my pajamas, ready to get some sleep.

~ 📚 ~

Josh's POV

I pull up to Maya's place and climb out of the car, jogging up to her door. The Halloween party was tomorrow so I had to ask Maya today so we could go costume shopping tonight.

I knock on the door and an unenthusiastic Shawn answers the door. "Oh look you're here" he says, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "I swear you enjoy putting your life in danger. I have to say you are pretty confident to show up here when she's this pissed at you."

"What are you talking about?" I ask Shawn. The last time we hung out was on Monday and when I was texting her all week she seemed fine.

"She's in her room" he says simply, stepping back to allow me to walk in. I take one last confused look at Shawn before heading up to Maya's room.

I knock lightly on her door catching her attention. "Um hey gorgeous" I say awkwardly.

"Hi" she says nonchalantly. "I forgot to text you. I don't need a ride today."

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