23. Pictures and Tears

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Josh's POV

My girlfriend is an idiot. I love her more than anything but she really is an idiot. She's sitting beside me in the hospital, her hand intertwined with mine while we watch some old Nickelodeon show.

I check my phone for the thousandth time. Still no pictures.

"Checking it won't change anything" Maya says softly as her thumb moves along my knuckles absentmindedly.

"Have I told you today how stupid you are?" I ask making her roll her eyes.

"Have I told you today how fucking scared I was that you were gonna die?" she fires back.

"Gorgeous have you forgotten that I'm going to die" I ask seriously. "While most people will focus on you being topless in those pictures, your dad is gonna focus on the fact that I'm the one who undressed you" I remind her.

"More reason for me to not leave your side" she smiles. "You really did scare me Josh."

"I haven't passed out since I got diagnosed with anxiety. I can usually get myself calmed down but" I trail off. "That was intense."

"No fucking kidding" she replies. "I think we should stay away from parties for a while."

"Agreed" I smile as I look down at her. "I still love you."

"I love you too" she replies sweetly as she kisses my hand. "So don't go dying on me."

"I'll try not to."

~ 📚 ~

Maya's POV

I'm walking down to the cafeteria to get lunch when my phone dings.

UNKNOWN: Who should I send the pictures to first?

I roll my eyes. I was so done with Mike.

MAYA: Don't give a fuck

UNKNOWN: Feisty. I'm starting to get what he sees in you

MAYA: Just send them already. It's getting stupid at this point.


UNKNOWN: We'll see how stupid it is 😉

I stare at the text and stop dead in my tracks. What could he mean by that?

~ 📚 ~

Josh's POV

Maya went to go get lunch so I'm alone in my room when my phone dings. A text from Mike. Here we go.

MIKE: Attachments Below

Below are the three pictures he took of me and Maya. Gotta admit I thought they wouldn't be so bad, I mean I was on top of her but in all honesty these left absolutely nothing to the imagination. You could tell she was topless and you could tell I was on top of her.

"Fuck" I mutter. I'm about to delete them when Shawn walks in. He stalks over to me and snatches my phone from my hands. "Shawn" I start but he sees the pictures and no explanation from me is going to fix this.

"Dad?" Maya asks confused as she walks in. "What's wrong?"

~ 📚 ~

Maya's POV

"The thing I'm trying to figure out is how many copies of these you sent out" Shawn says bluntly to Josh. "I mean if I'm getting tips from other guys telling me you have topless photos of my daughter on your phone."

Oh no. No. No. No.

Mike was never planning on sending them to the school. That would be a dumbass move, he'd get expelled. I'm not worth that much. But this. Telling my dad. That would end me and Josh for good.

"Dad" I try but he shakes his head.

"Did you see this? Do you know what he's been doing? Having his buddies take pictures while he took advantage of you."

"Thats's not" I try but he cuts me off.

"We're leaving. And if you weren't Cory's brother we'd be pressing charges but I can't do that to him. Don't ever speak to my daughter again. You got that?"

"Shawn" Josh tries but my dad shakes his head as he throws Josh's phone back at him.

"Maya. Car. Now" my dad says as he grabs my arm and pulls me out of the hospital.

~ 📚 ~

I haven't cried yet. I don't think I will cry. I'm too numb. Too much has happened in the last few days. It all seems like a whirlwind. I want Josh back. I want life to go back to normal.

"What were you thinking?" my dad demands angrily. "I told you."

"Dad" I try but it's still no use. He doesn't care what kind of "lies" I have to tell.

"He got what he wanted. And now he has those pictures. What happens if he sends them to more than just a friend or two? What if he decides to send them to the whole school?"

"He won't" I say simply. I know Josh. Those pictures were deleted by now.

"I told you he was bad news."

"So you've said" I reply. "Dad. Can you lecture me later? I just want to be alone."

He pauses, running his fingers through his hair. "Okay" he gives. "Goodnight Maya."

He walks out of my room and I hear my phone ding.

BOYFRIEND: I deleted them. Just wanted you to know. I was trying to delete them when your dad showed up. I would never keep those. I ruined everything. You're better off without me.

I was wrong. I wasn't just going to cry, I was going to sob until I ran out of tears.

MAYA: Impossible. I still love you

BOYFRIEND: I love you too but your dad was right

BOYFRIEND: Goodbye gorgeous

I panic. My tears stop falling as I stare at the screen.

MAYA: No! No goodbye!

The number you are trying to reach is no longer available

No. No. No. No. No.

This wasn't happening.



The number you are trying to reach is no longer available

I throw my phone at the wall and watch it shatter into a million pieces. Oh well. It's not like I'll need it now.

I hide under the covers and cry myself to sleep.  

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