15. Beginning or End

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Maya's POV

I stay home sick for the next two days. I can't face anyone. Not my friends or Josh because having the two being mutually exclusive is exhausting. Luckily today is Friday which means I'm officially ungrounded. Unluckily I have my phone back and it's blown up with texts from everyone wondering what the hell happened to me. I decide to kill all the birds with one stone and head off to Riley's. It's Friday so everyone will be at the loft. Including Josh.

I open the door and the living room is surprisingly empty. "They're in Riley's room" Josh smiles as he makes his way down the stairs looking sexy as ever wearing just a pair of light grey sweat pants that hang teasingly low on his hips. His hair is wet too giving away that he was just taking a shower before my arrival.

"Thanks" I smile as I look up at him. "Sorry I fell off the radar" I apologize.

"I don't blame you" he replies honestly as he makes his way over to me. "Are you okay?" he asks worriedly.

"I just needed some space."

"Do I need to take a few steps back?" he asks teasingly causing a smile to pull at my lips as I wrap my arms around his neck.

"I needed space. As in past tense. Right now I'm not a fan of space" I smirk as I lean up to kiss him, feeling the puzzle pieces of my life start to fall back into place. "Unfortunately Riley's room isn't here so I actually have to get some space" I add as we pull apart.

"Good luck gorgeous" he smiles as he kisses my cheek before allowing me to head up to my best friend's room. I open the door and find all my friends spread out around the room.

"She's alive. What's up Honey Nugget?" Zay asks as he stands to hug me making me laugh as I throw my arms around him.

"Nothing much Zay" I smile as I the puzzle continues to come together. "Sorry I've been MIA. I just needed some space" I explain as he and I break apart.

"There's only one person you need to apologize to" Lucas says bluntly causing my heart to stop. Riley.

"We'll give you a while" Farkle says as he takes Smackle's hand, leading the group out of the room leaving Riley and I alone.

"So" I trail off as I look down at the ground.

"You're dating my uncle" she says bluntly causing me to nod. There was no use hiding it.

"For a little over a week" I confirm. "I wanted to tell you. Actually that's a lie" I add honestly. "I was scared to death to tell you. I don't want to lose you but I'm not breaking up with him."

"I don't want you to" she replies causing me to look at her in shock.

"You don't?"

"He kinda went off on me on Tuesday. And he had every right to. I wasn't being fair. I was judging him for hurting you in the past but this isn't about the past. He's trying to change and that's because he likes you. If he's willing to change for you than I should be willing to give him a chance for you" she explains causing my heart to flip.

"So it's okay? And we're okay?"

"We're okay" she assures me as she stands up and wraps me in a hug. "I'm sorry you felt like you had to hide this from me. I never want to have secrets from you."

"I don't either" I breathe in relief as I hug her. "I love you Riles."

"I love you too Peaches."

~ 📚 ~

Josh's POV

I'm in my room channel surfing when I hear a knock on my door. "Who is it?" I shout from my bed while I continue to look for something to watch.

"Two hints. Blonde and someday" Maya replies making a smile pull at my lips as I switch off the television.

"Come in gorgeous" I smile causing my girlfriend to open the door to my bedroom with a smile on her face. "What's up?" I ask curiously as I look up at her.

"I'm not grounded anymore but I don't wanna push my luck with my dad so I'm gonna get going."

"Oh" I say sadly as I stand up and walk over to her. "Well what about tomorrow?" I ask as she smiles, looking at me curiously.

"I don't know" she smirks as she grabs my hand, pulling me closer. "Why don't you tell me?"

"You've technically been my girlfriend for a week and I have yet to take you on a proper date. Let me take you to dinner" I plead causing her to smile.

"Okay but um" she stutters as she looks up at me nervously. "You have to pick me up and come and talk to my dad. There is no way he's gonna let me out of the house with you again without talking to you."

My heart sinks in nervousness. Shawn used to love me like a brother, I grew up around him and Cory but after my tailspin and getting caught in the front seat of my car with his daughter I had a feeling he didn't care for me as much as he used to.

"Okay" I give with a fake smile. "I'll see you tomorrow gorgeous."

"See you tomorrow" she replies sweetly before reaching up to kiss me and slipping out of my room.

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