8. Sneaking and Escapes

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Maya's POV

"I can't wait to go to tutoring today. This is so confusing" I complain as Riley and I sit in math class working on the class activity that was making my head spin. Riley looks over at me confused before breaking into a smile.

"You're funny. For a second you had me convinced you wanted to spend time with my uncle" Riley laughs making me bite my tongue.

"Maybe she does" Lucas chimes in from beside us making me shoot him an annoyed look.

"Why would Maya want to spend time with Josh?" Farkle asks confused as he looks at me curiously.

"I want to understand math. Josh has nothing to do with it" I lie as I continue to fail at completing the problem in front of me.

"I still don't get why you're still letting him tutor you. He broke your deal. You should be free" Riley says making me sigh as I throw my pencil down onto my desk in annoyance.

"Not everyone can get straight A's like you" I shout as I storm out of the classroom, literally running right into the first and last person I wanted to see.

~ 📚 ~

Josh's POV

I skipped class. I know I'm supposed to be trying to change my image but I really hate chemistry class and I needed a walk to clear my head. Of course my head is consumed in confusion over Maya and apparently the universe decides that the solution to this problem is to run into her. Literally.

"What's wrong?" I ask quickly as I look down at the gorgeous blue eyed girl standing in front of me with tears streaming down her face.

"Did you drive today?" she asks me quickly.

"Yea" I reply as she takes my hand in hers.

"Good because I can't be here anymore."

~ 📚 ~

"Wanna talk about it?" I ask as her and I sit in the food court at the mall. It was like this was becoming our spot and I didn't hate it in all honesty.

"You're amazing at algebra and I suck at it. Why is it so crazy that I actually use your help?" she asks causing me to shrug because I had no idea what she was getting at. "Riley is just so pushy lately" she sighs making all the puzzle pieces fall into place for me.

"Are you fighting?" I ask as she nods sadly.

"Why does she hate you?" she asks bluntly, "is it because of what you did to me?" I think about lying and telling her that I did something awful to Riley and that my damaged relationship with my niece had nothing to do with me hurting Maya but that was untrue. When I hurt Maya, I hurt Riley.

"I think so" I confess making her sigh as she runs her fingers through her hair. "She doesn't like that you and I are hanging out again, does she?" I ask causing her to nod.

"She hates you. A lot" she reminds me. "I wish I did too."

"But you don't?" I ask as my heart skips a beat.

"Josh I can't let you do this to me. I won't be pulled back into this with you."

"I get it. I was awful to you but I'm trying to change" I say quickly but it's  pointless because I remember hooking up with the red head making her way over to us. This is going to be a disaster.

"Honey do yourself a favor and get out now" the girl says to Maya bluntly. "He's not that impressive anyway" she adds as she walks off making Maya's eyes widen.

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