19. Love and Trust

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Maya's POV

Making out was a great distraction. Yesterday. Today I was still debating the pros and cons of telling Josh I loved him.


- He would know


- There is no possible way he's saying it back

That was all I had.

"Honey Josh is here" my mom says as she appears in my doorway.

"Oh okay" I reply as I climb off my bed and head downstairs finding my boyfriend standing by the door. "Babe you can come in" I laugh.

"Did I wake you?" he asks playfully as he walks over to me taking in my pajamas.

"No" I laugh. "Are you always such a smartass?"

"Yes" he smiles as he leans down to kiss me. Just a peck of course. He's not an idiot. "Where are we studying?"

"Kitchen table" my dad says making me roll my eyes.

"Mom" I beg as I look over to my mother, silently pleading her to let me take him up to my room.

"Door stays open" she says as I smile and grab Josh's hand.

"You are the best" I exclaim as I kiss her cheek. "Come on Josh."

"Shawn is literally going to kill me" Josh says as we walk into my bedroom.

"I'll protect you" I smile as I sit at my desk grabbing my worksheet. "I'm almost positive that aliens have invaded and have taken over my math homework."

"You're dramatic" he smiles as he glances at the sheet. "But um this is some hard shit. What the hell?" he asks making me moan in annoyance.

"Great not even my boyfriend can read it. But you aren't an alien so that's good" I tease making him laugh.

"You are so weird" he smiles as he looks up at me.

"Oh stop. You love me."

~ 📚 ~

Josh's POV

She was teasing. Joshua Gabriel Matthews she was teasing you. This was not an opening to say those three damn words that would detonate this amazing, perfect thing you had going with her.

I watch her body tense as she says it. She realizes what she just said and she's probably hoping to God you ignore it and move on. But I can't. Shit I should. But I can't.

"Yea. I do."

~ 📚 ~

Maya's POV

Did he? There's no way. I'm dreaming and I'm going to wake up and Joshua Matthews won't be in love with me. I turn to look at him and he looks serious. He also looks like he's gonna be sick.

"I shouldn't have said that" he says quickly. "I just. I knew I was gonna screw this up. I should go" he says but I catch his wrist. He can't go. He didn't screw this up. I love him.

"Josh" I say softly, tugging his wrist so he's forced to look at me. "I do too" I whisper as his eyes widen.

"You what?" he asks as if the concept is foreign. As if I cannot possibly love him. But I do.

"I love you" I say more sure this time. "Holy shit I cannot believe I just said that."

"I can't believe you just said that" he laughs lightly as he pulls me out of my chair. "I love you too" he smiles as he leans in to kiss me.

"This better not be a dream" I sigh as we pull apart.

"It's not" he assures me. "It really does feel like one though."

"It's what I was thinking yesterday. I almost said it after you told me why you didn't come to school yesterday."

"When we were making out. I almost said it" he admits as he caresses my cheek. "Now I'm kinda pissed that I distracted you."

"Don't be" I smirk. "That was fun yesterday."

"Trouble" he laughs as he kisses me again.

"You love me though" I smile as I look up at him.

"I really, really do."

~ 📚 ~

Josh's POV

"I think that's how you do it" I say as I look down at my girlfriend's worksheet. "I don't think we got to this unit."

"Or maybe you're not as smart as you think you are" she teases making me laugh as I kiss her temple.

"Maybe not" I agree. "Maybe I just want to impress you."

"You impress me in other ways" she smirks as I shake my head.

"You are going to get me in so much trouble Maya" I laugh as she turns to face me. "Don't forget that damn door is open."

"What would you do if it wasn't?"

"Yes what would you do?" Shawn asks from the doorway. "You almost done with that homework?"

"Oh um yea" I reply. "She's all set."

"Dad we were just joking around" Maya says defensively.

"I'm sure" Shawn replies shortly. "Josh I think you should be getting home."

"Right" I reply as I stand up and grab my keys. "I'll call you later baby. Love you." The words spill out and I don't even register how much of a dumbass I am for saying them in front of her dad.

She smirks as she glances over my shoulder at her dad. "I love you too" she smiles as she looks back at me. "I don't know if I'll have my phone though."

"I'll text anyway" I assure her as I give her a quick peck. "Love you."

"You like saying that don't you?"

"You have no idea gorgeous" I smile as we pull apart finally. "Night Shawn" I try to slip past him but he follows me.

"You shouldn't play with her emotions Josh."

"I'm not" I exclaim as we reach the living room. "Shawn I love her. I'm not messing around with her. I care about her. A lot."

"We'll see."

"What does that even mean?" I exclaim. "You know what don't answer that because I already know and I can't wait to prove you wrong. I'm not trying to get into Maya's pants Shawn. I'm really not. I respect her too much."

"We'll see" he repeats as I roll my eyes.

"Yea we will."

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