51. Prom Prep and Anxiety

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Maya's POV

The last day before prom is the worst. At this point my excitement was quickly being replaced by sheer terror. What if my dress ripped? What if Josh hated my dress? What if I ruined my dress by tearing it or something? What if some other girl looked better than me and Josh left me in the middle of the dance? Okay that last one was absolutely insane but still, it crossed my mind.

My locker shuts abruptly causing me to jump physically and get out of my head. "Whoops. Sorry" Josh laughs. "I was trying to lean on it" he explains with a chuckle. He leans against the locker beside mine and quirks an eyebrow at me. "You okay? You looked deep in thought when I walked up" he says, crossing his arms over his chest.

I shrug, leaning against my own locker to face him. "I'm fine" I force a smile.

"Yea?" he asks, narrowing his eyes. "Baby we've been dating for months. I know you way better than to think that's true. What's going on?" he asks, taking my hand in his. I sigh, letting him drag me towards him. "Come on" he pleads as he encircles me in his arms. "What's going on?"

I avert my eyes to the ground, gnawing my lip. "I'm worried about tomorrow" I confess softly. He chuckles, lifting my head.

"Sweetheart why on Earth are you scared about tomorrow? I thought you were excited" he adds in confusion.

"I am. It's just-."

"A dance" he cuts me off. "It's going to be fine. Hell it's gonna be better than fine, it's gonna be amazing. Why are you so worried?"

"What if you hate my dress?"

He laughs, shaking his head. "Yea that's pretty doubtful. I love you in anything" he says as he pulls me close against him, ducking his lips to my ear. "And out of anything" he adds causing a blush to rise on my cheeks as heat spreads through me.

"Get a room you two" Riley teases as she walks up to us with Lucas beside her. "Maya are you coming over tonight?" she asks me as Josh lets me go and I turn to face my best friend.

"Um no" I shake my head. "I have a few things I need to do tonight for the dance tomorrow."

"Oh" she says sadly. "Will I see you before the dance?"

"Of course you will" I assure my best friend. "I can drive over to the loft and we'll leave from there. That way I can see you before" I suggest causing a smile to pull at her lips as she nods in agreement.

"Okay" she says happily. "I'll see you tomorrow" she adds while pulling me in for a hug. I smile, hugging her back.

"I'll see you tomorrow" I reply before letting her go and turning to face Josh. "You ready to head home?" I ask as I hoist my backpack onto my shoulder.

"Mhm" he nods. "Let's go" he insists.

~ 📚 ~

After I drop Josh off at home I head back to my own place. I pull into the driveway before hopping out of the car and heading inside. I find my mom looking frantically for her car keys while she talks rapidly on the phone to someone. I laugh as I drop my backpack onto the floor and make my way towards her. "Hey mama" I say, announcing my presence. She jumps in surprise making me laugh as she places her hand over her heart.

"Shelly I'll call you back" she says into the phone before turning to me. "Sorry. I cannot find my keys" she explains. "We're going to be late for your appointment" she sighs as she sifts through countless items on the counter. I laugh when I spot them sticking out from under a magazine.

"Ehm" I clear my throat. She turns and a grin spreads across her face as she snatches the keys from my hand.

"You're a lifesaver baby girl" she gushes, leaning down to kiss the top of my head. "Let's go" she insists. I smile, following her out of the house. We climb in the car and she immediately starts up again. "So your hair appointment is at eight o'clock tomorrow morning. They're swamped" she sighs, "you're lucky I could even get you in."

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