54. Caps and Gowns

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Josh's POV

"Just one more" Topanga begs making me groan as I wrap my arms around my niece and nephew for what feels like the millionth photo she's taken today.

"Mom my smile is going to fall off" Auggie complains making me chuckle as Topanga snaps the picture.

"Alright. Disperse before she wants to take another" I tease making my sister-in-law rolls her eyes as she puts her phone into her purse.

"I'm proud. Is that a crime?" she asks making me chuckle as I shake my head.

"No of course not" I insist as I look up at the clock on the wall. I still had almost two hours before I had to be at graduation and there was one place I needed to stop before I could confidently walk across that stage. "Would it uh. Would it be okay if I drove myself to graduation?" I ask, interrupting the hustle and bustle around me. Topanga and Cory share a glance and eye me skeptically. "Don't give me that look" I insist. "I'm going to be at graduation. I am going to get my diploma. There's just one stop I need to make before that. I need you both to trust me. Please" I beg.

After another long stare the two of them look to me and nod reluctantly. "Fine" Cory concedes, "but if you don't show up I'm unleashing Maya on you" he says making me chuckle.

If there was anyone as proud as my family it was Maya. She and I were alike in the way that neither of us ever saw ourselves graduating but here I was about to get my diploma and her well on her way. Of course there was that math final grade that she still wouldn't tell me.

"I understand" I nod. "Trust me. I will be there" I assure them. I move towards Topanga and kiss her on the cheek before grabbing my keys and heading out to my car. I climb in and start the engine, letting out a deep breath. "One last minute stop" I smile as I pull into traffic.

The route has become one that I could drive in my sleep and I arrive in record time. I park the car, locking it up after I climb out and head towards the headstones, dressed in my graduation attire with a wide smile on my face. It was late spring now and the graveyard was beautiful, littered with flowers of every variety and butterflies flitting around from flower to flower. "Hey" I smile as I make it to their graves. "Sorry I'm a little late. You know how Topanga can be" I chuckle.

"Oh trust me. We do" I hear making me spin around quickly to find my mother standing before me. My mouth drops open and a chuckle falls from her lips. "Surprised to see me?" she asks and I nod. "I thought today would be worth it" she shrugs. "We're not technically supposed to come down here."

My head spins as I stare at my mom in shock. "I'm going crazy."

"No" she shakes her head. "You look incredible sweetheart. And so happy. I assume that has to do with Shawn's girl huh? Maya" she guesses.

"You see us?"

"All the time" she smiles. "I'm so proud of you. And so is your father but he's a little busy spying on Eric."

"Will you watch my ceremony?"

"Of course" she replies. "We can't wait to watch you walk across that stage."

"I wish you could really be there" I sigh.

"We do too" she smiles softly as she walks towards me, "but we will be. In spirit. And you have so many people that love you that will be there. Maya, Cory, Topanga" she trails off. "You've turned into such an amazing young man."

A tear rolls down my cheek but my mom is quick to wipe it away. "I miss you."

"And we miss you. Every day" she assures me. "But we're never far away. Remember that" she insists. I nod. "Good" she smiles. "Now. You have a stage to walk across. Get out of here high school graduate" she says making me chuckle as I nod.

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