24. Better or Worse

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Josh's POV

Blocking Maya's number was probably the hardest thing I've ever had to do but I had to. We had to keep our distance, as hard as that was going to be.

I walk into school the next morning and I head immediately to my locker, the less time I spent in the hallway the better my chances were of not seeing her. Seeing her was going to kill me. When I reach my locker I find Mike leaning against it.

I quickly turn on my heels to get away but he sees me. "Josh" he shouts as he catches up to me. "Hey man what's up?" he asks as he falls into step beside me.

"What's up?" I exclaim, turning back to face him. "Stay the fuck away from me."

"Dude" he laughs. "Chill out, it's not that big a deal."

"Not a big deal?" I exclaim. "Is this fun for you? Is my life a game to you? I lost her so I guess you win."

"Come on man you were never that serious about her" he laughs. "And now we can go back to how we used to be. You're my wingman."

I stare at him in shock. He was delusional.

"We will never be back to the way we were" I snip. "You costed me the best thing that's ever happened to me because you can't get laid without my help."

"The best thing that ever happened to you? Don't you think you're being a bit dramatic?"

"You're an asshole is what I think" I fire back as the bell rings. "If you'll excuse me I have to go to the office."

~ 📚 ~

Maya's POV

I'm stumbling through my day. I don't want to be here. Hell I don't want to do anything but lay in bed and cry. I walk into the library, more than ready for my tutoring session today. I needed to talk to Josh. We could figure this out. We loved each other. We'd find a way.

I stop dead in my tracks when my eyes land on the table where Josh and I usually sit, only to find it occupied by some random senior whose name I think is Alec. I slowly walk up to the table and stare down at him. "Um this table is reserved" I say politely.

"Oh. You must be Maya. I'm Alec. I'm your new tutor" he says politely. My heart stops as I stare down at the boy. He seemed nice enough but he wasn't Josh.

"New tutor? What happened to my old one?" I ask quickly, my heart rate speeding up in a panic.

"He said he couldn't do it anymore. Some personal reason, I don't really know. They don't give me specifics. So you ready to get started?" he asks.

I stare down at him, my head spinning. Josh couldn't do this. He couldn't just cut me out of his life like this.

"I'm sorry" I say softly. "I'm just. I'm not really feeling well today" I add as I back away from the table. "See you around" I add before I rush out of the library and down the hallway. I don't know where to go. I don't know what to do.

"You look a little lost" Mike smirks. "Something wrong?"

"Don't talk to me" I say seriously as I try to brush past him but he catches my arm and pulls me in front of him.

"What the fuck did you do to him? He's so damn caught up on you."

"I love him" I say bluntly. "What's wrong? Your little plan backfire? Does he not want you back?" I smirk.

"He just needs a little reminder of how much fun it is to be best friends with me" he shrugs. "And he will remember. Especially when he finds out that Bridget wants him back."

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