43. Have or Haven't

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Josh's POV

"You're up early" Riley smiles, stopping in front of my open door on Tuesday morning. "Are you that excited to go to school today?" she teases. I shoot her an unamused look and she giggles. "You text her yet?"

"At midnight" I reply with a smile. "I'm assuming you've already called her."

"Something like that" she smirks when suddenly my gorgeous blonde girlfriend appears in my doorway.

"Maya" I exclaim. "What are you doing here?"

"She's been sneaking into my window long before yours" Riley replies matter of factly. "Have fun you two" she smirks as she walks off, leaving me and my girlfriend alone in my bedroom.

"Happy birthday" I smile, grabbing her hand and pulling her into the room before going to shut my bedroom door.

"Thanks" she replies, wandering over to my bed and taking a seat. "Why are you up so early?" she asks curiously.

"I was getting ready to go because I was planning on picking up your latte from Starbucks on the way to get you but you kinda ruined that" I explain.

"Aw, you're sweet" she smiles.

"I try" I reply making her giggle. "I'm gonna go and take a shower real quick and then maybe we can head out for a real breakfast" I suggest.

"Do you think maybe we could just stay? I haven't had a breakfast here in almost a year" she asks softly.

"Is that what you wanna do?"

"Kinda" she shrugs.

"Then that's what we'll do" I smile, wandering over to her to leave a kiss on her lips. "I'll be back" I assure her as I head into the bathroom.

~ 📚 ~

Maya's POV

I already feel bad. It's clear that Josh had plans for this morning and I keep ruining them. I sigh and lie back on his bed letting my eyes flutter shut. I hear the faint sounds of singing from the bathroom making me giggle. I listen to him sing horribly off key for the next five minutes while the house begins to stir. I hear a door opening and footsteps that I assume are Cory and Topanga. "Comfy?" Josh teases. My eyes pop open and land on him wearing nothing but a towel. My throat goes dry as I sit up. "I forgot my clothes" he laughs as he turns towards his dresser. His back muscles flex as he moves things around in the drawers and the water droplets that cascade over his tan skin make him even more irresistible.

"I'm sorry" I say suddenly making him turn to face me with a confused look on his face.

"Sorry? For what?" he questions, searching my eyes for answers.

"You had all these plans for today and I'm ruining them" I sigh, running my fingers through my hair and hugging my knees to my chest.

"Maya it's your birthday. Whatever makes you happy is what I wanna do. And you being in my bedroom is hardly an issue" he laughs as he walks over to me and leans down to kiss me. "I'm gonna go get dressed" he smiles, pulling back from me.

"Or you could not" I suggest making him chuckle.

"I'll be right back" he smiles, leaving the room. I sigh and climb off his bed, wandering over to his desk and taking a seat. I spot his laptop and slide my finger over the mousepad making the screen light up with a picture of the two of us from before we left for the formal. My heart swells as Josh walks back into the room fully clothed. "You snooping Hunter?" he teases as he walks over to me and wraps his arms around me from behind.

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