34. Dream or Nightmare

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Josh's POV

"What happened?" Shawn exclaims as he walks up to me in a panic. "Josh what the hell happened?" he shouts as I shake my head.

"I don't know" I insist. "It, it came out of nowhere" I whisper, shaking my head as tears spill from my eyes.

"If she's not okay" he shouts.

"Shawn" Cory says, calming him down. "This isn't Josh's fault."

"Um are you all here for Maya Hunter?" a doctor asks, coming up to all of us.

"Yes" Shawn and Katy answer in unison as the blonde woman walks towards her husband, slipping her hand into his.

"We have an update."

~ 📚 ~

14 hours earlier...

Maya's POV

"Are you excited for tonight?" Riley asks with a smile as we stand by our lockers on Friday morning gathering our stuff for first period.

"I guess" I shrug, concealing my smile making Riley roll her eyes with a laugh.

"Mhm" she replies playfully, "you're not excited at all."

"Nope" I lie before losing it and bursting into giggles. "Of course I'm excited" I gush. "I get to go to a dance with Josh, it's going to be perfect."

"You got that right" Josh says, sneaking up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my cheek. "Tonight is going to be the night of your dreams" he promises making my heart flutter. "Until prom anyway" he adds making me giggle as the bell rings. "Ugh" he moans in annoyance. "I gotta get to class. I love you" he smiles, kissing my cheek again before walking away. I look back up to Riley who looks nauseated but happy.

"God the two of you are sappy" she complains playfully making a smile pull at my lips.

"I love him, what can I say" I shrug. "Ready for class?"

"Ready" she smiles, linking her arm with mine and leading us down the hallway.

~ 📚 ~

Josh's POV

School takes forever. I feel like I'm never going to get home. It's been forever since I've been excited about something, it feels weird and different but I love it. I couldn't wait for tonight. I was taking Maya to the winter formal and I was adamant on making it perfect for her. She deserved nothing less. The only highlight of my day is free period. I walk into the library and for once my girlfriend beats me.

"Hey baby" she smiles happily as she looks up at me.

"What are you doing? You're early" I point out as she laughs.

"I was excited to see you" she smiles, "is it a crime to love my boyfriend?" I sit down beside her, leaning forward to kiss her, pulling back with a smile. "What time are you picking me up?" she asks curiously, her hand slipping into mine.

"I was thinking around six" I shrug, "that sound okay?"

She smiles, leaning forward to kiss me. "Perfect" she gushes. "Tonight is going to be perfect."

~ 📚 ~

When school finally ends I head straight home to get ready. Of course Topanga is there in the kitchen when I walk in so I don't get very far into the house. "Josh" she smiles, "how was school?" she asks curiously, motioning to the dining bench. I drop my backpack to the floor and walk over to her, sitting down.

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